路由器(router)、一对一(one to one)、是什么(what is)、网络流量控制(network traffic control)、源地址转换、标识符(identifier)
A. enable
B. config
C. interface
D. router
[单选题]Cisco IOS命令ip nat inside source static的作用是什么()
A. 为所有的外部NAT创建一个全局的地址池
B. 为内部的静态地址创建动态的地址池
C. 它为所有内部本地PAT创建创建了动态源地址转换
D. 为内部本地地址和内部全局地址创建一对一的映射关系
A. 转换内部局部地址
B. 内部全局地址复用
C. TCP负载均衡
D. 内部网络流量控制
A. >
B. !
D. (config-if)
A. password
B. enable password
C. enable secret
D. passwd
[单选题]A receiving host has failed to receive all of the segments that it should acknowledge.What can the host do to improve the reliability of this communication session?
A. Start a new session using UDP
B. Obtain a new IP address from the DHCP server
C. Use a different source port for the session
D. Decrease the sequence number
E. Decrease the window size
[单选题]The IP network is subnetted using a /24 mask. How many usable networks and host addresses can be obtained from this?
A. 1 network with 254 hosts
B. 4 networks with 128 hosts
C. 2 networks with 24 hosts
D. 6 networks with 64 hosts
E. 8 networks with 36 hosts