1. [单选题]You wish to segment your LAN into multiple broadcast domains. Which technology method should you implement in order to do this?
A. Transparent bridging
B. Cut-through switching
C. Fragment-free switches
D. Virtual LANs
E. Store-and-forward switching
F. F. None of the above
2. [单选题]“InsideGlobal”地址在NAT配置里表示的是什么()
A. 这个概括地址是所有的内部子网地址
B. 一个注册的地址是表示一个内部的主机到外部网络
C. 一个全局唯一,私有的ip地址被分配给一个内网的主机
D. 路由器的MAC地址被用做内部主机去连接这个互联网
3. [单选题]NAT可以被用于完成多种功能,以下不属于其功能的是:()
A. 转换内部局部地址
B. 内部全局地址复用
C. TCP负载均衡
D. 内部网络流量控制(network traffic control)
4. [单选题]OSI七层模型中,“包”是哪一层数据封装的名称()
A. 物理层
B. 数据链路层
C. 网络层
D. 传输层
5. [多选题]默认情况下,IGRP衡量路径好坏时,考虑的因素为()
A. 带宽
B. 可靠性
C. 最大传输单元
D. 延时
6. [多选题]在配置帧中继子接口时,在物理接口上应该配置的内容是:()
A. 配置IP地址
B. 封装帧中继协议(fr protocol)
C. 指定子接口类型
D. 设定子接口
E. 配置密码
7. [单选题]You are a senior network administrator at Ezonexam, and while performing the password recovery procedure on your 2500 series Cisco router, you type in the following command:o/r 0x2142
A. What is the purpose of this command?
B. It is used to restart the router.
C. It is used to bypass the configuration in NVRAM.
D. It is used to enter ROM Monitor mode.
E. It is used to view the lost password.
F. It is used to save the changes to the configuration.
8. [多选题]You are bringing up a new Ezonexam switch, and wish to connect it via a trunk to another switch from a different vendor, which uses the IEEE standard for the trunking method. When setting the encapsulation type on the trunk, what should you configure on the Cisco switch?
A. Switch(config) switchport trunk encapsulation isl
B. Switch(config) switchport trunk encapsulation ietf
C. Switch(config-if) switchport trunk encapsulation isl
D. Switch(config-if) switchport trunk encapsulation ietf
E. Switch(config-if) switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q