重要性(importance)、责任感(responsibility)、髋关节(hip joint)、坐骨神经(sciatic nerve)、组成部分(part)、跳跃传导(saltatory conduction)、推理题(inference question)
[单选题]2002年我国的国内生产总值跨上了一个新的台阶,达到了( )
A. 8万亿元
B. 9万亿元
C. 10万亿元
D. 11万亿元
[单选题]The food we are going to have is home-cooked with fresh _________.
A. ingredients
B. components
C. elements
D. factors
[单选题]Concerning baby-sitting and managing a paper route, which of the following statement is true?
A. Both call for daily service.
B. Both call for a sense of responsibility.
C. Neither is affected by bad weather.
D. Neither is helpful to character development.
A. in thatB. so that
B. such that
C. except that
[单选题]The words "chop down" in the second paragraph means______
A. clear
B. make room for
C. destroy
D. cut down
[单选题]股四头肌 ( )
A. 受坐骨神经支配
B. 止于胫骨粗隆
C. 能伸髋关节
D. 能屈膝关节
E. 股直肌起自髂前上棘
[多选题]兴奋在同一细胞上传导的特点是 ( )
A. 在有髓纤维上是跳跃传导(saltatory conduction)
B. 不衰减传导
C. 靠局部电流的方式进行
D. 双向传导
E. 电紧张性扩布