A. trends
B. observations
C. regulations
D. feelings
[单选题]Why is Franklin described as “Dark Lady of DNA”?
A. She developed pictures in dark labs.
B. She discovered the black X------ the shape of DNA.
C. Her name was forgotten after her death.
D. Her contribution was unknown to the public.
A. 朱昭凭着功绩官至秉义郎,他顺从时俗,不刻意地表现自己。在震威期间,夏人乘虚入侵,他招募千余勇猛精锐士,夜缒出城,乘势杀敌,获得胜利。
B. 夏人部队昼夜进攻,其首领悟儿思齐邀请朱昭议事数落宋朝失信,企图招降宋军。朱昭反驳说,宋朝国军内部禅让,新君政令一新;坚决拒绝投降。
C. 在众多城池投降后,朱昭旧友也暗示他投降。朱昭厉声叱骂,张弓要射他;不久又表示,只要背城死战,获胜可再图功业,失败陈尸境内也问心无愧。
D. 朱昭方面有人暗中与敌人串通,透露了朱昭准备突围的消息。敌人害死守兵,得到城池。朱昭不幸坠入沟堑,他怒目提剑,无人敢前,最后中箭而死。
[单选题]This is the first time we______ a film in the cinema together as a family.
A. see
B. had seen
C. saw
D. have seen
[单选题]Distinguished guests and friends, welcome to our school, the ceremony of the 50th Anniversary this morning are our alumni (校友) from home and abroad.
A. Attend
B. To attend
C. Attending
D. Having attended
[单选题]Where is the nearest parking place to Shakespeare’s Birthplace?
A. Behind the exhibition hall.
B. Opposite the Visiturs’Centre.
C. At Windsor Street.
D. Near the Coffee House.
[单选题]_____ from the top of the tower ,the south foot of the mountain is a sea of trees . ( )
A. Seen
B. Seeing
C. Have seen
D. To see
[单选题]半夏( )。
A. 叶二型,一年生叶为单叶,2~3年生的叶为三出复叶
B. 叶二型,一年生叶为三出复叶,2~3年生的叶为单叶
C. 叶一型,为单叶
D. 叶一型,为三出复叶