  • 2022计算机类考试思科认证冲刺密卷共用题干题解析(11.29)

    要把交换机的配置文件保存到tftp服务器,应使用的命令为()copy ios tftp copy running-configt ftp# copy flash tftp copy config tftpB
  • 2022计算机类考试思科认证冲刺密卷单选题答案(11.11)

    路由器当前的模式为“端口模式”,要退回到“特权模式”,应该使用的快捷键为()A Ezonexam technician is troubleshooting connectivity problems between two routers that are directly connected through the serial
  • 2022思科认证试题答案+解析(11.10)

    某台PC,能ping通路由器,但不能telnet到路由器,可能的原因是()Which type of cable should be used to make a connection between the Fa0/0 port on a router and the Fa0/0 port switch?PC的IP地址设置错误 路由
  • 2022思科认证冲刺密卷解析(11.09)

    What are two characteristics of "store and forward" switching? (Select two answer choices)Latency fluctuates regardless of frame. size. The switch receives the complete frame. before beginning to forw
  • 思科认证试题答案+解析(11.08)

    请选出交换机处理帧的三种模式:()The Ezonexam network administrator issues the ping command and successfully tests connectivity to a host that has been newly connected to the network. Which
  • 思科认证2022试题单选答案+解析(11.07)

    下面有关交换机的描述中,正确的是()某台PC,能ping通路由器,但不能telnet到路由器,可能的原因是()所有交换机都支持VLAN功能 交换机端口数量最多为48口 交换机独占带宽# 交换机端口的最大速率为100Mbit/sPC的IP地
  • 思科认证2022冲刺密卷解析(11.06)

    标准访问控制列表的数字标识范围是()。Which one of the following characteristics is true regarding the use of hubs and switches?1-50 1-99# 1-100 1-199Hubs can have their ports be configured with VLANs
  • 2022思科认证试题专家解析(11.05)

    下列对访问控制列表的描述不正确的是()。The Ezonexam corporate LAN consists of one large flat network. You decide to segment this LAN into two separate networks with a router. What will be the affect
  • 2022计算机类考试思科认证冲刺密卷分析(11.04)

    介质工作在OSI的哪一层()路由器“特权模式”的提示符是:()物理层# 数据链路层 网络层 传输层> # (config) (config-if)AB
  • 2022思科认证冲刺密卷答案(11.03)

    VLAN主干协议VTP的默认工作模式是()服务器模式# 客户端模式 透明模式 以上三者都不是A
  • 2022思科认证冲刺密卷剖析(11.02)

    You wish to segment your LAN into multiple broadcast domains. Which technology method should you implement in order to do this?Transparent bridging Cut-through switching Fragment-free switches Virtual
  • 思科认证2022试题解析(11.01)

    路由器上,清空路由表的命令是()What kind of cable should be used to establish a trunked line between two Catalyst switches?clear ip delete ip route delete route clearip route*#A straight-through cable
  • 2022思科认证冲刺密卷答案(10.31)

    关于OSPF中DR的说法不正确的是()OSPF的度量值是什么()通过hello报文选举DR 如果某路由器优先级比DR优先级高,但启动晚,它会抢占原来的DR自己成为DR# 一个广播类型网络中只能有一个DR 一旦DR失效,BDR接替DR的工作,并
  • 2022计算机类考试思科认证冲刺密卷专家解析(10.30)

    把访问权限表应用到路由器端口的命令是:()网关的功能()permit access-list 101 out ip access-group 101 out# apply access-list 101 out access-class 101 out过滤数据包 不同网段通信# 校验数据帧 把数据封装成
  • 2022计算机类考试思科认证冲刺密卷解析(10.29)

    在路由器上,可以使用的命令有:()Why might the Ezonexam network administrator set the configuration register to 0x2142 on a 2600 series Cisco router?ping# show interfaces# show ip route# ipconfig wincfg
  • 2022计算机类考试思科认证冲刺密卷答案解析(10.28)

    常见的LSA有几种类型()FTP工作在OSI哪一层()4 5 6# 7会话层 表示层 传输层 应用层#CD
  • 思科认证2022冲刺密卷案例分析题答案(10.27)

    PPP工作在OSI的哪一层()After logging into a router and typing in a few show commands, you press the up arrow key. What will this do?物理层 数据链路层# 网络层 传输层It will recall the previous command
  • 2022思科认证冲刺密卷答案解析(10.26)

    查看E0端口配置信息的命令是:()Assuming you build networks to exact specifications, what is the recommended maximum length a 10BaseT cable can be before it has to be segmented or repeated?show access-l
  • 2022计算机类考试思科认证冲刺密卷案例分析题答案(10.25)

    把访问权限表应用到路由器端口的命令是:()In which Spanning-Tree states does a switch port learn MAC addresses? (Select two)permit access-list 101 out ip access-group 101 out# apply access-list 101 out
  • 2022计算机类考试思科认证试题共用题干题答案(10.24)

    路由器上,命令“show int s0”的显示结果为:Serial0 is up,line protocol is down出现该结果的可能原因是()Using a subnet mask of, which of the IP addresses below can you assign to the hosts
  • 思科认证2022冲刺密卷详细解析(10.23)

    路由器上端口fa0/0,其最大传输速率是()Mbit/sWhy is full-duplex Ethernet superior to its single-duplex counterpart? (Select two answer choices.)128 10 100# 1000It uses inexpensive hubs It operates with
  • 2022思科认证冲刺密卷答案+解析(10.22)

    In which Spanning-Tree states does a switch port learn MAC addresses? (Select two)Blocking Listening Forwarding# Learning# Relaying解析:Explanation:
  • 2022计算机类考试思科认证冲刺密卷案例分析题解析(10.21)

    FTP工作在OSI哪一层()IP地址为:,掩码为:,则该IP地址所在子网的子网有效IP为()会话层 表示层 传输层 应用层# 192.16
  • 2022计算机类考试思科认证试题答案(10.20)

    在地址转换中,()用来规定哪些数据包需要进行地址转换How many usable IP addresses can you get from a conventional Class C address?在线用户表 访问控制列表# MAC地址表 路由表128 192 254# 256 510B解析:Explan
  • 2022计算机类考试思科认证冲刺密卷多选题正确答案(10.19)

    地址转换NAT的优点是()下列路由协议中,属于链路状态路由协议的是()地址转换对于报文内容中含有有用的地址信息的情况很难处理 地址转换可以缓解地地址短缺的问题# 地址转换不能处理IP报头加密的情况 地址转换由于隐
  • 2022思科认证冲刺密卷答案+专家解析(10.18)

    路由器上激活端口的命令是()You are bringing up a new Ezonexam switch, and wish to connect it via a trunk to another switch from a different vendor, which uses the IEEE standard for the trunking metho
  • 2022计算机类考试思科认证试题多选解析(10.17)

    路由器“特权模式”的提示符是:()You want to upgrade the Ezonexam LAN so that all ports operate in full duplex mode. Which statement is true about full-duplex Ethernet when comparing to half-duplex Eth
  • 2022思科认证冲刺密卷详细解析(10.16)

    当拓扑信息完成交换,相邻路由器具有相同的LSDB时,下列哪项OSPF邻居状态是希望得到的()介质100BaseT的最大传输距离是:()2-WAY FULL# Exchange Loading10m 100m# 1000m 500mBB
  • 2022计算机类考试思科认证冲刺密卷多选题答案(10.15)

    100baseT的速率是()Mbit/sWhile troubleshooting a connectivity problem on the network, you issue the ping command from your PC command prompt, but the output shows "request times out."At which OSI layer
  • 思科认证2022试题讲解(10.14)

    混合型协议既具有“距离矢量路由协议”的特性,又具有“链路状态路由协议”的特性,下列协议中属于混合型协议的是:()You are bringing up a new Ezonexam switch, and wish to connect it via a trunk to another switch
  • 2022计算机类考试思科认证冲刺密卷案例分析题解析(10.13)

    通过路由器的“配置端口console”对路由器进行配置,应该使用的线缆为()交叉线缆 直通线缆 反转线缆# 任意线缆C
  • 2022计算机类考试思科认证冲刺密卷单选题答案(10.12)

    路由表中,某条路由的“路由代码为D”,则表明该路由为()A Ezonexam switch is configured with all ports assigned to VLAN 2. In addition, all ports are configured as full-duplex FastEthernet. What is the eff
  • 2022思科认证试题答案+专家解析(10.10)

    Why is full-duplex Ethernet superior to its single-duplex counterpart? (Select two answer choices.)It uses inexpensive hubs It operates without collisions# It operates on switches It provides faster d
  • 思科认证2022试题答疑(10.09)

    下列命令中,无法正确执行的是()The Ezonexam corporate LAN consists of one large flat network. You decide to segment this LAN into two separate networks with a router. What will be the affect of this c
  • 2022计算机类考试思科认证试题答案+专家解析(10.08)

    标准访问控制列表的数字标识范围是()。对路由器的描述,正确的是()1-50 1-99# 1-100 1-199单广播域,单冲突域的设备 单广播域,多冲突域的设备 多广播域,单冲突域的设备# 多广播域,多冲突域的设备BC
  • 2022思科认证冲刺密卷专家解析(10.07)

    关于OSPF中DR的说法不正确的是()在启用IGRP协议时,所需要的参数是:()通过hello报文选举DR 如果某路由器优先级比DR优先级高,但启动晚,它会抢占原来的DR自己成为DR# 一个广播类型网络中只能有一个DR 一旦DR失效,BDR
  • 思科认证2022冲刺密卷案例分析题答案(10.06)

    PPP工作在OSI的哪一层()After logging into a router and typing in a few show commands, you press the up arrow key. What will this do?物理层 数据链路层# 网络层 传输层It will recall the previous command
  • 2022思科认证冲刺密卷全部答案(10.05)

    下面哪个操作可以使访问控制列表真正生效()。You are an administrator of the Ezonexam switched network and your goal is to reduce some of the administrative overhead on your network. You plan on achiev
  • 2022计算机类考试思科认证试题答案(10.04)

    路由器的配置文件startup-config存放在()里路由器上激活端口的命令是()RAM ROM FLASH NVRAM#shutdown no shutdown# up noupDB
  • 思科认证2022试题专家解析(10.03)

    某网络中,拟设计10子网,每个子网中放有14台设备,用IP地址段为199.41.10.X,请问符合此种规划的子网掩码是()网关的功能()过滤数据包 不同网段通信# 校验数
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