  • 思科认证2022实战模拟每日一练(08月26日)

    在OSPF的DR/BDR选举过程中,在路由器有相同的接口优先级情况下,什么用于确定DR或BDR()下列哪一个通配符掩码与子网172.16.64.0/27的所有主机匹配()。两台路由器直连到一起,应该使用的线缆为()After working on a
  • 2022计算机类考试思科认证历年考试试题试卷(7W)

    当拓扑信息完成交换,相邻路由器具有相同的LSDB时,下列哪项OSPF邻居状态是希望得到的()A new Ezonexam switch is installed into an existing LAN and a new VTP trunk is set up with an existing switch. Which VLA
  • 2022计算机类考试思科认证模拟考试练习题236

    每个子网中放有14台设备,用IP地址段为199.41.10.X,请问符合此种规划的子网掩码是()要把交换机的配置文件保存到tftp服务器,应使用的命令为()关于PPP和HDLC的说法中,错误的是()With regard to Ethernet media acce
  • 2022思科认证试题案例分析题解析(08.25)

    You are a senior network administrator at Ezonexam, and while performing the password recovery procedure on your 2500 series Cisco router, you type in the following command:o/r 0x2142Given that you ha
  • 2022计算机类考试思科认证考试试题(08月25日)

    把访问权限表应用到路由器端口的命令是:()路由器“特权模式”的提示符是:()You are a senior network administrator at Ezonexam, and while performing the password recovery procedure on your 2500 series Cis
  • 2022计算机类考试思科认证历年考试试题汇总(6W)

    CDP is being used throughout the Ezonexam network. What are two reasons why the Ezonexam network administrator would use CDP? (Choose two)You need to decide on which trunking method to implement in th
  • 2022思科认证专项训练每日一练(08月24日)

    当在一个接口上使用ipaccess-group99in命令时,以下哪条关于所引用访问控制列表的描述是正确的()VLAN主干协议VTP的默认工作模式是()属于私有IP段的是()路由器上,设置端口速率的命令是()The Ezonexam LAN is upgra
  • 计算机类考试2022思科认证全套模拟试题235

    CDP is being used throughout the Ezonexam network. What are two reasons why the Ezonexam network administrator would use CDP? (Choose two)TCP23是()协议端口号;UDP69是()端口号;TCP80是()端口号。
  • 思科认证2022冲刺密卷讲解(08.24)

    What are two characteristics of "store and forward" switching? (Select two answer choices)The Ezonexam network administrator has issued the "VTP password ezonexam" command on a Cisco device. What is t
  • 2022计算机类考试思科认证晋升职称在线题库(08月23日)

    “ipaccess-group”命令在接口上缺省的应用方向是什么"()。帧中继环境中,CIR的含义是()下面有关交换机的描述中,正确的是()交换机的三大功能为()The Ezonexam corporate LAN consists of one large flat networ
  • 2022思科认证模拟考试234

  • 2022思科认证试题解释(08.23)

    基本IP访问权限表的表号范围是:()路由器上激活端口的命令是()1—100 1-99# 100-199 800-899shutdown no shutdown# up noupBB
  • 2022计算机类考试思科认证考试试题解析(5W)

    对于运行OSPF协议的路由器来说,RouterID是路由器的唯一标识,所以协议规定:必须保证RouterID在如下范围之内唯一()。标准访问控制列表应被放置的最佳位置是在()。SMTP工作在OSI哪一层()网段内 区域内 自治系统
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  • 思科认证2022冲刺密卷解析(08.22)

    Cisco IOS命令ip nat inside source static的作用是什么()下列哪一设备工作时,要用到OSI的七个层(一层到七层)()为所有的外部NAT创建一个全局的地址池 为内部的静态地址创建动态的地址池 它
  • 2022计算机类考试思科认证专业每日一练(08月22日)

    IP地址为:,掩码为:,则该IP地址所在子网的广播地址为()PPP工作在OSI的哪一层()A Ezonexam switch is configured with all ports assigned to VLAN 2. In addition, all ports are
  • 思科认证2022历年考试试题汇总(4W)

    命令ip nat pool aaa netmask的作用是()工作在OSI第三层的设备是:()通过路由器的“配置端口console”对路由器进行配置,应该使用的线缆为()指定可访问地址 定义地址池# 指定路由
  • 计算机类考试2022思科认证加血提分每日一练(08月21日)

    Cisco IOS命令ip nat inside source static的作用是什么()VLAN主干协议VTP的默认工作模式是()RIP协议负载均衡的路径数量为()There are 2 switches in the Ezonexam LAN, with no routers. Po
  • 2022计算机类考试思科认证考试试题库(3W)

    工作在OSI第三层的设备是:()Two stations on the Ezonexam LAN transmit at the same time, resulting in a collision. What happens when a collision occurs on the network? (Choose all that apply)What is the
  • 2022思科认证试题案例分析题答案(08.21)

    如果网络中的路由器都是cisco路由器,则优先选择哪一个路由协议()路由器上,设置端口速率的命令是()RIP EIGRP# IGRP OSPFclock rate bandwidth# set encapBB
  • 2022思科认证全套模拟试题232

  • 计算机类考试2022思科认证考前模拟考试231

    在OSPF的DR/BDR选举过程中,在路由器有相同的接口优先级情况下,什么用于确定DR或BDR()CDP is being used throughout the Ezonexam network. What are two reasons why the Ezonexam network administrator would us
  • 计算机类考试2022思科认证晋升职称在线题库(08月20日)

    IP扩展访问列表的数字标示范围是多少()。路由器的配置文件startup-config存放在()里When is a switched network that is running the Spanning Tree Protocol considered to be fully converged?Regarding DHCP (d
  • 思科认证2022试题试卷(2W)

    哪个ACL可允许主机10.220.158.10访问web服务器192.168.3.244()RIP协议负载均衡的路径数量为()access-list 101 permit tcp host eq 80 host access-list 101 permit tcp
  • 思科认证2022冲刺密卷答案+专家解析(08.20)

    通过路由器的“配置端口console”对路由器进行配置,应该使用的线缆为()交叉线缆 直通线缆 反转线缆# 任意线缆C
  • 2022思科认证易错每日一练(08月19日)

    OSPF在同一区域内,下列说法正确的是()常见的LSA有几种类型()At which layer of the OSI model does the protocol that provides the information displayed by the "show cdp neighbors" command operate?Given th
  • 思科认证2022冲刺密卷答案+解析(08.19)

  • 计算机类考试2022思科认证历年考试试题汇总(1W)

    Cisco IOS命令ip nat inside source static的作用是什么()Given that you have a class B IP address network range, which of the subnet masks below will allow for 100 subnets with 500 u
  • 思科认证2022考试题230

  • 2022计算机类考试思科认证优质每日一练(08月18日)

    100baseT的速率是()Mbit/s对于IP为199.41.27.0,子网掩码为255.255.255.240,则该IP地址和子网掩码相作用会得到一系列IP,从下列选项中选出属于“有效IP”的选项:()How many usable IP addresses can you get from a con
  • 2022计算机类考试思科认证模拟在线题库229

  • 思科认证2022试题题库(0W)

    对于路由表,如果一台路由器同时运行了RIP和OSPF两种动态路由协议,因为RIP协议的优先级更高 在缺省的情况下,如果一台路由器同时运行了RIP和OSPF两种动态路由协议,则在路由表中只会显示OSPF发现的路由,因为OSPF协议的
  • 2022思科认证试题答案(08.18)

    In which Spanning-Tree states does a switch port learn MAC addresses? (Select two)Which of the following are types of flow control? (Choose three)Blocking Listening Forwarding# Learning# RelayingBuffe
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  • 思科认证2022冲刺密卷案例分析题答案+解析(08.17)

    默认情况下,RIP定期发送路由更新的时间是()15S 30S# 60S 90SB
  • 思科认证2022往年考试试卷(9V)

    You are given a PC, a router, and a cable. Select the correct combination that will allow you to log into router VE1 locally using a terminal emulation program such as HyperTerminal.路由器下,由一般用
  • 2022思科认证人机对话每日一练(08月17日)

    Cisco IOS命令ip nat inside source static的作用是什么()OSI第二层数据封装完成后的名称是:()At which layer of the OSI model does the protocol that provides the information displayed
  • 2022计算机类考试思科认证试题答案+专家解析(08.16)

    RIP路由协议认为“网络不可到达”的跳数是:()Using a subnet mask of, which of the IP addresses below can you assign to the hosts on this subnet? (Select all that apply)8 16# 24 10016.23.11
  • 2022思科认证模拟练习题227

  • 2022计算机类考试思科认证考试考试试题(8V)

    把访问权限表应用到路由器端口的命令是:()You need to configure an 802.1Q link on a Ezonexam switch. Which commands, when used together, would do this? (Select two answer choices)With regard to Ethernet
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