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    对于运行OSPF协议的路由器来说,RouterID是路由器的唯一标识,所以协议规定:必须保证RouterID在如下范围之内唯一()。交换机工作在OSI七层模型的哪一层()网段内 区域内 自治系统内# 整个因特网物理层 数据链路层# 网
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    CDP is being used throughout the Ezonexam network. What are two reasons why the Ezonexam network administrator would use CDP? (Choose two)对于运行OSPF协议的路由器来说,RouterID是路由器的唯一标识,所以协
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    On a half-duplex Ethernet LAN, two hosts attempt to send data simultaneously, resulting in a collision. Following this collision, what will the hosts do? (Select all valid answers)“ipaccess-group”命令
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