• [单选题]下列单位中,( )是国际单位制的单位。
  • 正确答案 :D
  • 牛顿·米

  • [单选题]1990年中华人民共和国港务监督局颁布了《关于船舶污染事故处罚程序的规定》,其法律依据不可能是_。
  • 正确答案 :B
  • 《中华人民共和国海上交通安全法》

  • [单选题]制定航次预防检修计划的程序是______。
  • 正确答案 :C
  • 轮机员提出-轮汇总-长审核-船长批准

  • [单选题]第三组:Ship recycling contributes to sustainable development and is the environmentally friendly way of disposing of ships with virtually every part of the hull, machinery, equipment, fittings and even furniture being re-used. However, while the principle of ship recycling is a sound one, the reported status of working practices and environmental standards in recycling facilities often leaves much to be desired. Such growing concerns about environmental safety, health and welfare matters in the ship recycling industry have resulted in a growing belief that an international instrument to regulate the ship recycling process is urgently needed.
  • 正确答案 :F
  • Ship recycling brings many problems concerning environmental safety, health and______occupational safety

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