正确答案: A

To prevent unauthorized hosts from getting access to the LAN

题目:The network administrator has configured port security on a Ezonexam switch. Why would a network administrator configure port security on this Ezonexam device?




  • [多选题]CDP is being used throughout the Ezonexam network. What are two reasons why the Ezonexam network administrator would use CDP? (Choose two)
  • To obtain the IP Address of a connected device in order to telnet to the device

    To verify Layer 2 connectivity between two devices when Layer 3 fails

  • [单选题]下列哪个network命令会告知此路由器开始使用IP地址为10.1.1.1、和10.1.120.1的接口上的OSPF()
  • network area 0

  • [单选题]NAT可以被用于完成多种功能,以下不属于其功能的是:()
  • 内部网络流量控制

  • [单选题]OSI七层模型中,物理层的数据封装名称为()
  • 比特

  • [单选题]路由器上激活端口的命令是()
  • no shutdown

  • [单选题]路由表中,某条路由的“路由代码为D”,则表明该路由为()
  • EIGRP路由

  • [多选题]Regarding the extended ping command; which of the statements below are true?(Select all valid answer choices)
  • The extended ping command is available from privileged EXEC mode.

    With the extended ping command you can specify the timeout value.

    With the extended ping command you can specify the datagram size.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:

  • [单选题]After connecting a PC to an available port on a switch, you find that the PC can not access any of the resources on the LAN. No other PC's connected to the switch appear to be having any issues. What is the most likely cause for this problem?
  • The host switch port is assigned to the incorrect VLAN

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:VirtualLANsbreakupbroadcastdomainsinalayer-twoswitchedinternetwork.IfahostisinadifferentVLANthenthenetworkservicesitneedstouse,thepacketsmustgothrougharouter.Ifroutingdoesnottakeplace,thePCwillbeunabletocommunicatewithanyotherdevicesnotinthesameVLAN.AnswerBisthebestanswerforthisquestion.IncorrectAnswers:A.ThePCisunabletocommunicatewithotherLANusers.Norouterneedstoevenbeinstalledforthistowork.C,E.TheMACaddressofthePCdoesnotneedtobeenteredmanuallyintotheswitch.TheswitchwilldynamicallylearnoftheMACaddressofthePC.D.TheSTPalgorithmdoesnotneedtohaveanyendhostinformationaddedinorderforittowork.

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