• [单选题]Your Windows 2000 Professional computer contains a single hard disk configured as a single partition.You want to move a folder named Sales under a folder named Corp on your computer.
  • 正确答案 :D
  • Backup the Sales folder. Move the Sales folder to the Corp folder.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: The contents of the Sales folder should be backed up so that files would be recoverable in case of disk problems. You could move the Sales folder to the CORP folder, as the files will remain compressed since the folder is moved within a single partition. The general rules on copying and moving compressed files and folder are: files and folders copied within a NTFS volume and between NTFS volumes inherit the compression state of the target folder; files and folders moved between NTFS volumes inherit the compression state of the target folder; and files and folders moved within an NTFS volume retain the original compression state of the file or folder.

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