• [单选题]Your network includes Windows 98 computers and Windows 2000 Server computers. You are adding a new computer to the network, and you plan to install Windows 2000 Server on the new computer. The computer has one 20-GB hard disk with no partitions defined.The Windows 2000 Server CD-ROM is unavailable. You want install Windows 2000 Server from source files that are located on a server on the network. You also want the entire hard disk of the new computer to be used for the system partition.
  • 正确答案 :E
  • Start the new computer by using a Windows 98 network boot disk. Create and format a single FAT32 partition. Connect to the network server. Run Winnt.exe.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: To install Windows 2000 Server on computers from source files that are located on a centralized network share we would have to connect to the network share from the the computers. If the computers do not have PXE-compliant network cards we would have to make a network boot disk that the computers can use connect to the network share. We would start the installation process by using winnt with /s /u /udf switches. We must use winnt and not winnt32 as the boot disks operate in DOS mode, which works with 16-bit applications. We would thus not be able to use 32-bit applications like winnt32.

  • [多选题]You are the administrator of a new multiprocessor SQL Server 2000 computer. You are migrating data from other database management systems to this server. You need to load data from two data files into a new table on the server. The table is empty and has no indexes.You want to complete the data load as quickly as possible. What should you do? (Each correct answer represents part of the solution. Choose all that apply.)
  • 正确答案 :ABE
  • Apply a bulk update lock to the table.

    Use separate client connections to load the files into the table simultaneously.

    Specify the Bulk-Logged Recovery model for the database.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:

  • [单选题]You are the network administrator for Ezonexam.Your Windows 2000 Server computer named Ezonexam1 contains two 36-GB hard disks. Disk 0 and Disk 1. Each disk is configured as a basic disc and has a single 36-GB NTFS partition. Both partitions are backed up to a tape each night. The partition on Disk 1 stores user data. Most users at Ezonexam encrypt their files. Disk 1 fails. You replace it with a new hard disk and create a single NTFS partition.
  • 正确答案 :E
  • Restore the contents of Disk 1 from the most recent tape backup to the new partition on Ezonexam1. Instruct the users to verify the integrity of their files.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:VerifyDataAfterBackupisusedtoconfirmthatfilesarecorrectlybackedup.WindowsBackupcomparesthebackupdataandthesourcedatatoverifythattheyarethesame.Microsoftrecommendsthatyouselectthisoption.RestoringthecontentsofDisk1fromthemostrecentbackuptapetothenewpartitiononEzonexam1andinstructingtheuserstoverifytheintegrityoftheirfileswouldaccomplishthetaskathandthequickestandstillmaintainthesecurityofthefilesofDisk1.Incorrectanswers:A:Thereisnoneedtomakeuseofasecondfileserver.Thiswillnotaccomplishthetaskasquickaspossible.Besides,thisdoesnotmeanthatthesecurityonthefileswillbekeptintact.B:Thereisnoneedtomakeuseofasecondfileserver,neitherasarecoveryagentandthencopyingfilesfromthesecondfileservertothenewpartition.Thiswilltaketoolonginthiscase.D:Thefirstpartofthisoptioniscorrect;buttheciphercommandisusedtodecryptfiles.

  • [单选题]The company is buying 50 identical computers to run Windows 2000 Server in these offices. These servers must be installed to the company's standard configuration. You create a setup information file (SIF) that specifies the company's standard configuration.You want to automate the installation process as much as possible in the least possible amount of time.
  • 正确答案 :D
  • Create a floppy disk that contains only the SIF. Instruct an employee at each office to start the installation by using the Windows 2000 Server CD-ROM, with the floppy disk inserted.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:InthisscenariowemustuseSetupManagertocreateawinnt.sif.Wemustthencopythisfiletoafloppy.ThenstarttheinstallationprocessfromtheCD-ROMandinsertthefloppydisk.Theinstallationprocesswillbeafullyautomatedunattendedinstallation.Incorrectanswers:A:The.SIFfileisusedtoperform.anunattendedinstallation.Makebt32.exeisusedtocreatefourinstallationstartupdisks.B:Thewinnt.execommandisrunfromtheCD-ROMnotfromthediskette.D:TheSIFfilemustresideonadiskettenotontheCD-ROM.

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