正确答案: C

Configure SQLAgentMail to use a valid MAPI profile

题目:You are the administrator of a SQL Server 2000 computer. You create several jobs on the server and schedule them to run during the evening.You configure an operator on the server and configure the jobs to send an e-mail to this operator if a job fails for any reason.




  • [多选题]You are the administrator of several SQL Server 2000 computers. A data Transformation Services (DTS) package uses native OLE DB providers to transfer data between the servers. Connection details for the servers are specified in .udl files. The .udl files are frequently updated as connection details change.You want to distribute the DTS package as a file to developers in your company. You want to make sure connection details are available to developers who receive the DTS package.
  • Enable the Always read properties from UDL file option in the Connection Properties dialog box.

    Make the .udl files available on a network share.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:

  • [单选题]Your Windows 2000 Professional computer contains a single hard disk configured as a single partition.You want to move a folder named Sales under a folder named Corp on your computer.
  • Backup the Sales folder. Move the Sales folder to the Corp folder.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: The contents of the Sales folder should be backed up so that files would be recoverable in case of disk problems. You could move the Sales folder to the CORP folder, as the files will remain compressed since the folder is moved within a single partition. The general rules on copying and moving compressed files and folder are: files and folders copied within a NTFS volume and between NTFS volumes inherit the compression state of the target folder; files and folders moved between NTFS volumes inherit the compression state of the target folder; and files and folders moved within an NTFS volume retain the original compression state of the file or folder.

  • [多选题]You are the administrator of a new multiprocessor SQL Server 2000 computer. You are migrating data from other database management systems to this server. You need to load data from two data files into a new table on the server. The table is empty and has no indexes.You want to complete the data load as quickly as possible. What should you do? (Each correct answer represents part of the solution. Choose all that apply.)
  • Apply a bulk update lock to the table.

    Use separate client connections to load the files into the table simultaneously.

    Specify the Bulk-Logged Recovery model for the database.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:

  • [单选题]You are the administrator of Ezonexam.com's network.Ezonexam has several branch offices. Each branch office has a Windows 2000 Server computer with Service Pack 2 installed. Each branch office also has a technical support department. You want to configure the remote Windows 2000 Server computers so that whenever a new driver becomes available from Microsoft, the branch offices are notified automatically when the administrator logs on to the server.
  • Install Windows Update

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: Windows Update is used to upgrade the system files and to retrieve and apply the latest service packs and patches for the operating system. All necessary files are downloaded through the Internet.

  • [单选题]You are installing Windows 2000 Server on a multiprocessor computer. The manufacturer has provided a customized Hardware abstraction layer (HAL) to use with the computer. The customized HAL is on a floppy disk.You want to install the customized HAL designed for the computer. What should you do?
  • During the text mode portion of the Windows 2000 setup, install the customized HAL.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:Thehardwareabstractionlayer(HAL)isinstalledduringtheinstallationoftheoperatingsystem.UsuallytheoperatingsystemwilldetecttheHALandinstallastandardHAL.Toinstallthecustomizedhardwareabstractionlayer(HAL)designedforthecomputerthatthemanufacturerhasprovidedwemustpressF6whentheWindows2000setuppromptsustodoso.ThiswillallowustosupplythesetupprogramwiththecustomizedHALthatshouldbeinstalled.TosupplyaHALfiletoSetup,weshouldpressF5andspecifythetypeofcustomHardwareAbstractionLayer(HAL)tobeloadedbytheSetupLoaderandinstalledbytext-modeSetup.Incorrectanswers:B:TheRecoveryConsoleisnotusedtoinstalltheHAL.C:TheEmergencyRepairprocessisnotusedtoinstalltheHAL.D:DevicemanagercouldbeusedtoupgradetheHALformultiprocessorsupport.However,theHALisconfiguredduringtheWindows2000installationphase.

  • [单选题]You are the network administrator for Ezonexam.The network includes a Windows 2000 Server computer that contains a single 36-GB hard disk. The drive is configured as a basic disk and has two partitions. Partition C is 4 GB in size and contains the operating system files. Partition D is 32 GB in size and contains user data that is updated frequently.
  • Start the computer by using a Windows 2000 Server compact disc. Select the Repair option in Setup.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:Therearefourwaystoperform.anattendedinstallation:1.BoottoaCD-ROM,therebyinvokingthesetuproutine.2.BoottoacurrentoperatingsystemwithCD-ROMsupportandmanuallyinvokethesetuproutine.3.BoottoasetoffoursetupdisksandthenprovidetheCD-ROMwhenprompted.4.Boottoanetwork-awareoperatingsystemandinvokesetupoverthenetwork.IfyouhaveacomputerwhoseBIOSsupportsbootingfromaCD-ROM,youcansetupWindows2000Serverwithoutinstallinganoperatingsystemonyourharddriveandwithoutrequiringnetworksupport.Todoso,configureyourcomputertoboottotheCD-ROMintheBIOS.IntheabovescenariotheserverfailedandforyoutorecovertheserverasquicklyaspossibleandrecoveringasmuchdataaspossibleyouneedtousetheWindows2000ServerCDandselecttheRepairoptioninSetup.Incorrectanswers:B:Thisoptionwillnotbethebesttofollowiftheserveristoberecoveredwithintheshortestpossibletime.Youwillalsolosesomedatasincere-creatingthesharedfoldersonthefirstharddiskwouldalreadyhavedatamissingsincePartitionCiscorrupted.C:EmergencyRepairDiskenablesyoutorecoverfromRegistrysettingsthatrenderyoursysteminoperable.ThismightbemisconfigurationthatcouldnotbecaughtwiththeLastKnownGoodConfiguration,oritmightbedeleteduseraccountsorotherRegistrychanges.Thisisnotaregistryproblem.TheEmergencyRepairDiskcanbeusedtofacilitatesomesystemrepairsonyourWindows2000server.Essentially,thediskcanbeusedtorepairstartupproblems,likewhenessentialstartupfilesarenotpresentandyourServerrefusestoboot.However,thisproblemneedstobeaddressesasquicklyaspossibleandmakinguseoftheRepairoptioninSetupfromtheWindows2000ServerCDwouldbethequickermethod.D:TheRecoveryconsoleisapowerfultext-basedbootalternativeforWindows2000Server.Ifyoursystembecomessocorruptthatitwillnotbootandnootherrepairprocesswillhelp,youcanboottotheRecoveryconsoleandcopyfilestoorfromyourserver.Inaddition,youcanstopandstartservices,ifaservicethatyouhaveinstalledcausesproblemswithbooting.Thisoptiondoesnotrepresentthequickestwaytoaddresstheproblemathand.

  • [多选题]You are the network administrator for Ezonexam.You are planning to upgrade Windows NT Server 4.0 computers to Windows 2000 Server. You want to perform. the upgrades by means of a distribution folder. You need to install a custom application as part of the upgrade.
  • Create a command file named Cmdlines.txt to install the application.

    Copy the command file to the subfolder named \$OEM$ under the i386 folder.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:Thisexampleassumesthatyouarepre-installingthedriversbyusingadistributionfolderandthatthedistributionfolderhasalreadybeencreated.1.Ifitdoesnotalreadyexist,createa$OEM$directoryunderyourdistributionfolder.Forexample:X:\i386\$OEM$2.CreateadirectorynamedTEXTMODEunderthe$OEM$directory.Forexample:X:\i386\$OEM$\TEXTMODE3.Copythedriverfilesfromthethirdpartyintothisdirectory.ThisconsistsofaTxtsetup.oemfileandatleastonedriverfile(the.sysfile),althoughtheremaybemore.CopyallofthefilesintotheTEXTMODEdirectory.4.EdittheX:\i386\$OEM$\Textmode\Txtsetup.oemfilebyusinganystandardtexteditorsuchasNotepadorEDIT.5.Etc.

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