正确答案: A

higher efficiency of the gear train while reversing

题目:The spur geared mooring winches have advantages over worm geared ones in .




  • [单选题]Which of the following operations need NOT to be entered on the Oil Record Book Part I? I、Disposal of oil residues. II、 Internal transfer of fuel oil
  • I only

  • [单选题]充气式救生衣禁止在哪类船舶上使用:
  • 油船

  • 推荐下载科目: 月嫂/母婴护理师 医院三基考试 医疗器械类 汽车技师职业技能 化验员 邮政职业技能鉴定 农业系统职称考试 安全监察人员 粮油食品检验人员 燃气职业技能鉴定
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