• [多选题]You are the administrator of a SQL Server 2000 computer. The server contains a Data Transformation Services (DTS) package that queries multiple databases and writes the results to a text file. You run this package by using a Microsoft Windows batch file. The batch file uses the dtsrun utility to execute the DTS package.You want to ensure that connection properties, such as login names and passwords, cannot be read or modified by users. Which two actions should you take? (Each correct answer represents part of the solution. Choose two.)
  • 正确答案 :AC
  • Save the DTS package so that it has an owner password.

    Encrypt the DTS package details in the command line of the dtsrun utility.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: In this scenario we will use a windows batch file with the owner password for maximum security.

  • [单选题]Your Windows 2000 Professional computer contains a single hard disk configured as a single partition.You want to move a folder named Sales under a folder named Corp on your computer.
  • 正确答案 :D
  • Backup the Sales folder. Move the Sales folder to the Corp folder.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: The contents of the Sales folder should be backed up so that files would be recoverable in case of disk problems. You could move the Sales folder to the CORP folder, as the files will remain compressed since the folder is moved within a single partition. The general rules on copying and moving compressed files and folder are: files and folders copied within a NTFS volume and between NTFS volumes inherit the compression state of the target folder; files and folders moved between NTFS volumes inherit the compression state of the target folder; and files and folders moved within an NTFS volume retain the original compression state of the file or folder.

  • [单选题]You are upgrading a computer from Windows 98 to Windows 2000 Professional. The computer is a 400-Mhz Pentium III, and has 128 MB of RAM and a 10-GB hard disk. You are performing the installation by using the Windows 2000 Professional CD-ROM. After the text mode installation portion is complete, you restart the computer. The BIOS virus checker on your computer indicates you're your computer is infected with a Master Boot Record virus.What should you do before you continue the installation?
  • 正确答案 :B
  • Disable the BIOS virus checker and restart the computer.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: During the installation of Windows 2000, the setup program must make changes the boot sector. The BIOS virus checker interprets changes made to the boot sector as the result of a virus and prevents the computer from booting any further. You must therefore disable the BIOS virus checker.

  • [多选题]You are the administrator of a new multiprocessor SQL Server 2000 computer. You are migrating data from other database management systems to this server. You need to load data from two data files into a new table on the server. The table is empty and has no indexes.You want to complete the data load as quickly as possible. What should you do? (Each correct answer represents part of the solution. Choose all that apply.)
  • 正确答案 :ABE
  • Apply a bulk update lock to the table.

    Use separate client connections to load the files into the table simultaneously.

    Specify the Bulk-Logged Recovery model for the database.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:

  • [单选题]You are a database administrator in the Los Angeles branch office of a specialty foods supplier. A mainframe. database at the headquarters contains all company data. Each branch office contains a SQL Server 2000 computer that imports regional data from the mainframe. database.The server in Los Angeles contains a Data Transformation Services (DTS) package that uses OLE DB to connect to the company's mainframe. database. The DTS package extracts and transforms data about buyers and products for that region. The DTS package then writes the data to the SQL Server database in Los Angeles.
  • 正确答案 :F
  • On the server in Sydney, install an OLE DB provider for the mainframe. database.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: OLE DB is an API that allows COM applications to use data from OLE DB data sources, which includes data stored in different formats. An application uses an OLE DB provider to access an OLE DB data source. An OLE DB provider is a COM component that accepts calls to the OLE DB API and performs the necessary processing required by request against the data source. In this scenario the OLE DB source is the company's mainframe. database, which contains all company data. As each branch office contains a SQL Server 2000 computer that imports regional data from the mainframe. database, all existing and future branch office SQL Server 2000 servers will require an OLE DB provider to access the company's mainframe. database.

  • [单选题]You are the administrator of a SQL Server 2000 computer named SQL1. You want to perform. ad hoc distribution queries against a database that is stored on a SQL Server 2000 computer named SQL2. SQL2 contains several databases, and each of these databases uses a different collation.You want to ensure that comparisons in distributed queries are evaluated correctly. You also want to minimize administrative overhead.
  • 正确答案 :D
  • Add SQL2 as a linked server. Select the Use Remote Collation check box, and do not specify a collation name.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:WeshouldsetupSQL2asalinkedserver.Thiswouldenabletoissuedistributedqueriestoit.WeshouldalsoselectRemoteCollationoptiontousethecollationontheremoteserver.Note:SQLServer2000allowsthecreationoflinkstoOLEDBdatasourcescalledlinkedservers.AfteralinkhasbeencreateditispossibletoreferencerowsetsfromtheOLEDBdatasourcesastablesinTransact-SQLstatementsandpasscommandstotheOLEDBdatasourcesandincludetheresultingrowsetsastablesinTransact-SQLstatements.Eachdistributedquerycanreferencemultiplelinkedserversandcanperform.eitherupdateorreadoperationsagainsteachindividuallinkedserver.Asingledistributedquerycanperform.readoperationsagainstsomelinkedserversandupdateoperationsagainstotherlinkedservers.Thelinkedserveroptionsdefinedbyusingthesp_serveroptionstoredprocedurecontrolhowSQLServerusescollationsfromlinkedservers.WhentheUseRemoteCollationoptionissettoTRUE,itspecifiesthatthecollationofremotecolumnsisusedforSQLServerdatasources,andthecollationspecifiedinCollationNameisusedfordatasourcesotherthanSQLServer.WhenFALSE,distributedqueriesalwaysusethedefaultcollationofthelocalserverinstance,andCollationNameandthecollationofremotecolumnsareignored.IftheUseRemoteCollationoptionissettoTRUE,wecanspecifythenameofthecollationusedbytheremotedatasourceintheCollationNameoption.Thecollationmust,however,besupportedbySQLServer.ThisoptionshouldbeusedwhenaccessinganOLEDBdatasourceotherthanSQLServer,butwhosecollationmatchesoneoftheSQLServercollationsIncorrectAnswers:A:TheCOLLATEclauseoftheALTERDATABASEstatementcanbeusedtochangethecollationusedbythedatabase.However,thissolutionisinappropriateastheSQL2servercontainsseveraldatabases,eachofwhichusesadifferentcollation.Wewouldthusnotbeabletospecifyallthecollations.B:Remoteserversaresetupinpairswithbothserversconfiguredtorecognizeeachotherasremoteservers.TheconfigurationoptionsforbothserversshouldbesetsothateachinstanceofSQLServerallowsremoteuserstoexecuteprocedurecalls.However,supportforremoteserversisprovidedforbackwardcompatibilityonly.ApplicationsthatmustexecuteproceduresagainstremoteinstancesofSQLServer2000shoulduselinkedserversinstead.D:InthisscenariowecannotspecifythecollationnameasSQL2containsseveraldatabases,eachofwhichuseadifferentcollation.

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