正确答案: D






  • [单选题]As an operating system repeatedly allocates and frees storage space, many physically separated unused areas appear. This phenomenon is called (71).
  • fragmentation

  • 解析:解析:随着操作系统反复分配与释放存储空间,就会出现许多不连续的未用物理区域,这种现象称为碎片。

  • [单选题]利用电子邮件引诱用户到伪装网站,以套取用户的个人资料(如信用卡号码),这种欺诈行为是(6)。
  • 网络钓鱼

  • 解析:解析:网络钓鱼(Phishing,与钓鱼的英语fishing发音相近,又名钓鱼法或钓鱼式攻击)是通过大量发送声称来自于银行或其他知名机构的欺骗性垃圾邮件,意图引诱收信人给出敏感信息(如用户名、口令、账号ID、ATM PIN码或信用卡详细信息)的一种攻击方式。最典型的网络钓鱼攻击将收信人引诱到一个通过精心设计与目标组织的网站非常相似的钓鱼网站上,并获取收信人在此网站上输入的个人敏感信息,通常这个攻击过程不会被受害者警觉。它是“社会工程攻击”的一种形式。

  • [多选题]按照IEEE 802.1d协议,当交换机端口处于 (  ) 状态时,既可以学习MAC帧中的源地址,又可以把接收到的MAC帧转发到适当的端口。 B.学习(learning)  
  • 转发(forwarding)  


  • 解析:


     l● 禁用(disabled):端口既不发送和监听BPDU,也不转发数据帧。
     l● 阻塞(blocking):端口可发送和监听BPDU,但不转发数据帧。
     l● 监听(listening):端口监听BPDU以确保网络中不出现环路,但不转发数据帧。该模式是一种临时模式。
     l● 学习(learning):端口学习MAC地址,建立地址表,但不转发数据帧。该模式是一种临时模式。
     l● 转发(forwarding):端口既可以发送和监听BPDU,也可以转发数据帧。
     l● 故障(broken):端口因为配置错误而无法使用,既不能发送和监听BPDU,也不能转发数据帧。通常在交换机重启之后就可以消除故障状态。


  • [单选题]We know a computer is a machine that processes data(stored in main memory)into information, under control of a stored program. We also know that, internally, a computer is a binary machine; thus the data and the program instruictions must be stored in binary form. Characters are represented in(71). Numbers are stored as binary numbers, with each bit's positional value significant. A computer's main memory is divided into bytes, words or both(depending on the system), and each of these basic storage units is assigned an(72). Using this address, the processor can read or write selected bytes or words.The processor consists of a clock, an instruction control unit, an arithmetic and logic unit, and registers. Once a program is stored in main memory, the processor can begin to execute it. During(73), the instruction control unit fetches an instruction from main memory; during(74), the arithmetic and logic unit executes it. Precisely timed electronic pulses generated by the clock drive this basic(75)
  • a binary code

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