正确答案: E

Start the new computer by using a Windows 98 network boot disk. Create and format a single FAT32 partition. Connect to the network server. Run Winnt.exe.

题目:Your network includes Windows 98 computers and Windows 2000 Server computers. You are adding a new computer to the network, and you plan to install Windows 2000 Server on the new computer. The computer has one 20-GB hard disk with no partitions defined.The Windows 2000 Server CD-ROM is unavailable. You want install Windows 2000 Server from source files that are located on a server on the network. You also want the entire hard disk of the new computer to be used for the system partition.

解析:解析:Explanation: To install Windows 2000 Server on computers from source files that are located on a centralized network share we would have to connect to the network share from the the computers. If the computers do not have PXE-compliant network cards we would have to make a network boot disk that the computers can use connect to the network share. We would start the installation process by using winnt with /s /u /udf switches. We must use winnt and not winnt32 as the boot disks operate in DOS mode, which works with 16-bit applications. We would thus not be able to use 32-bit applications like winnt32.



  • [单选题]Ezonexam uses static TCP/IP addressing for its servers. You are installing Windows 2000 Server on a new computer named VE32. VE32 needs to join an existing Windows 2000 Active Directory domain named Ezonexam.com. While installing VE32 you are unable to join the existing domain. You use another Windows 2000 Server to attempt to create a computer account for the new server in the domain. When attempting to create the new computer account you receive the following message.Active Directory Service
  • Restart the domain's RID master server.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: The domain controller assigned the RID master role allocates sequences of relative IDs to each of the various domain controllers in its domain. At any time, there can be only one domain controller acting as the RID master in each domain in the forest.

  • [单选题]You are the network administrator for Ezonexam.com. Your computer has a CD-ROM drive attached to a SCSI adapter. You plan to upgrade your computer from Windows NT Workstation 4.0 to Windows 2000 Professional. You determine that the SCSI adapter is not included on the current Hardware Compatibility List (HCL) and that the original SCSI drivers that you used for Windows NT are not compatible with Windows 2000 Professional.You want to upgrade your computer to Windows 2000 Professional.
  • Replace the SCSI adapter card with a Windows 2000 Professional compatible SCSI adapter. Start the installation from the Windows 2000 Professional CD-ROM. Add the new adapter card drivers when you are prompted.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: The hardware compatibility list (HCL) is a list of computers and peripherals that have been tested and have passed compatibility testing with the product for which the HCL is being developed. For example, the Windows 2000 HCL lists the products that have been tested and found to be compatible with Windows 2000. Before upgrading to Windows 2000, you should ensure that the computer hardware meets the minimum Windows 2000 hardware requirements. You must also check the Hardware Compatibility List or test the computers for hardware compatibility using the Windows 2000 Compatibility tool. Since the question mentions that the SCSI adapter is not included on the current HCL and that the original SCSI drivers, used for Windows NT is not compatible with Windows 2000, you should get a Windows 2000 Professional compatible SCSI adapter, start the installation of the Windows 2000 Professional CD-ROM and then add the new adapter card when prompted to do so.

  • [单选题]You need to install Windows 2000 Professional on 300 computers for a customer company called Ezonexam. The computers have different manufacturers and different hardware abstraction layers (HALs). You plan to use a Windows 2000 Server computer running Remote Installation Services (RIS) to perform. the installation.After the installation is complete for the first 25 computers, users of those computers report problems. You discover that the latest Windows 2000 service pack resolves those problems.
  • Slipstream the service pack into a new i386 distribution shared folder, and then run the Risetup command to create a new CD-based image for the RIS server.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:YoucanuseRisetup.exetocreateaCD-ROM-basedRISimagewithaservicepackslipstreamed.Thisistheprocedure:1.CopythecontentsoftheWindows2000ProfessionalCD-ROMtoasharedfolderonaserver(oralocalfolderontheRISserver).2.FromtheWindows2000servicepacksourcefiles,runtheupdate-s:foldercommandtoslipstreamthesourcefileswiththeservicepack.3.Whentheslipstreamingprocessisfinished,runRisetup.exeontheRISservertoaddanewimagetotheserver.Whenyouarepromptedforthelocationofthefiles,typethepathtotheslipstreamedshareyoucreatedinsteps1and2.IncorrectAnswersA:Thisproposedsolutionwouldnotworkbecausethecomputershavedifferenthardware.Forthisreason,wemustuseaCD-basedimage.B:WearegoingtoinstallWindows2000Professionalcomputers;wecannotuseaRISimageofaWindows2000ServercomputerC:JustcopyingtheServicePacktotheCD-basedimagesharedfolderwouldnotapplyit.

  • [单选题]You are the administrator of a SQL Server 2000 database. Using the default options configures the database. You drop indexes to facilitate a large import of data, and rebuild them after the import is complete.Users report that response times from a stored procedure have become slower. In the stored procedure, you examine the following code.
  • Recompile the stored procedure.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:ByrecompilingthestoredprocedureSQLServerwillcreateanewexecutionplanforthestatementsintheprocedure.SQLServerwilldetectthatstatisticsarenotuptodateanditwillautomaticallyrecreatethestatisticsduringthisprocess.Theexecutionplanwillbeoptimizedforthecurrentdistributionofdatainthetables.Note:Storedprocedurescanbeusedtoimprovedatabasequeryperformance.IftheseSQLstatementsandconditionallogicarewrittenintoastoredprocedure,theybecomepartofasingleexecutionplanthatiscachedontheserver.Whenthedatabaseischangedbytheadditionofnewindexesorwhendatainindexedcolumnsarechanged,theoriginalqueryplansandstoredproceduresusedtoaccessthetablesshouldbereoptimizedbyrecompilingthem.ThisoptimizationhappensautomaticallythefirsttimeastoredprocedureisrunafterSQLServer2000isrestarted.Italsooccursifanunderlyingtableusedbythestoredprocedurechanges.Butifanewindexisaddedfromwhichthestoredproceduremightbenefit,optimizationdoesnotautomaticallyoccuruntilthenexttimethestoredprocedureisrunafterSQLServerisrestarted.Thestoredprocedurecanbemanuallyrecompiledbyusingthesp_recompilesystemstoredprocedure.Thisforcesthestoredproceduretoberecompiledthenexttimeitisrun.IncorrectAnswers:B:SQLServerdetectswhetherstatisticsarenotup-to-date,andbydefaultitautomaticallyupdatesthemduringqueryoptimization.Byrecompilingthequerythestatisticswillautomaticallybeupdated.Note:SQLServerkeepsstatisticsaboutthedistributionofthekeyvaluesineachindexandusesthesestatisticstodeterminewhichindex(es)touseinqueryprocessing.Queryoptimizationdependsontheaccuracyofthedistributionsteps.Ifthereissignificantchangeinthekeyvaluesintheindex,orifalargeamountofdatainanindexedcolumnhasbeenadded,changed,orremoved,orthetablehasbeentruncatedandthenrepopulated,UPDATESTATISTICSshouldbererun.C:Consistencyofadatabaseismaintainedthroughtheuseofconstraintsandtriggers.Thesemechanismsareusedtoensurethatthedatabaseremainsconsistentbycontrollingthetypeofdatathatcanbeinsertedintoacolumn,throughreferentialintegritychecks,andthroughcascadingreferentialconstraints.D:Aviewisavirtualtablethatcanbeusedtorestrictusersaccesstothebasetable,ortojoinvariousbasetablessothattheyappearasasingletable.However,creatingaviewthatthestoredproceduremustaccesswouldrequirethecreationofindexesontheviewandwillhavetobeupdatedwhenthebasetablesareupdates.Thiswouldrequiregreateradministrativeeffort.

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