正确答案: C

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题目:在下列句子横线上依次填入词语,最恰当的一组是( )生命正是要在最困厄的境遇中发现自己,__________自己,从而才能__________自己,__________自己,直到最后__________自己,__________自己。




  • [单选题]Once a man and his wife worked for a businessman. There was a big box in the business-man-s living room. The businessman pointed at the box and said,"There's only one thing you(11) do.Don't open the box. After saying this,he(12)the living room.The woman said to her husband,"There (13) be something expensive in the box. Let's (14) it,shall we? Her husband said no to her.
  • mustn’t

  • 解析:11.c【解析】needn't“不必”;wouldn't“不会”; mustn ’t“禁止,不允许”。根据句意C是最佳答案。

  • 推荐下载科目: 高中 初中 成考 自考公共课 公共管理硕士 法律硕士 考博 成考(高升专/本) 自考专业课 小学
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