正确答案: D

题目:Your network uses the172.12.0.0 class B address. You need to support 459 hosts per subnet, while accommodating the maximum number of subnets. Which mask would you use?




  • [单选题]路由器的配置文件startup-config存放在()里

  • [单选题]SMTP工作在OSI哪一层()
  • 应用层

  • [单选题]下列对RIP的配置中,合法的命令是()
  • router rip network

  • [单选题]帧中继环境下,为了区分虚电路,应该使用的地址是()
  • DLCI

  • [多选题]The LAN needs are expanding at the Ezonexam corporate office, which is quickly growing. You are instructed to enlarge the area covered by a single LAN segment on the Ezonexam network.Which of the following are layer 1 devices that you can use? (Choose all that apply.)
  • A hub

    A repeater

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:

  • [单选题]You are an administrator of the Ezonexam switched network and your goal is to reduce some of the administrative overhead on your network. You plan on achieving this by configuring a new VLAN for each department in the Ezonexam network.However, you need to share the VLAN information across numerous switches. Which of the following would allow you accomplish this?
  • VTP

  • 解析:D 解析:Explanation:

  • [多选题]You are bringing up a new Ezonexam switch, and wish to connect it via a trunk to another switch from a different vendor, which uses the IEEE standard for the trunking method. When setting the encapsulation type on the trunk, what should you configure on the Cisco switch?
  • Switch(config) switchport trunk encapsulation isl

    Switch(config) switchport trunk encapsulation ietf

    Switch(config-if) switchport trunk encapsulation isl

    Switch(config-if) switchport trunk encapsulation ietf

    Switch(config-if) switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:

  • [多选题]What are two results of entering the VESwitch(config)# vtp mode client command on a Catalyst switch in the Ezonexam LAN? (Choose two.)
  • The switch will forward VTP summary advertisements

    The switch will process VTP summary advertisements

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:Servermode:VTPservershavefullcontroloverVLANcreationandmodificationfortheirdomains.AllVTPinformationisadvertisedtootherswitchesinthedomain,whileallreceivedVTPinformationissynchronizedwiththeotherswitches.Bydefault,aswitchisinVTPservermode.NotethateachVTPdomainmusthaveatleastoneserversothatVLANscanbecreated,modified,ordeleted,andVLANinformationcanbepropagated.Clientmode:VTPclientsdonotallowtheadministratortocreate,change,ordeleteanyVLANs.Instead,theylistentoVTPadvertisementsfromotherswitchesandmodifytheirVLANconfigurationsaccordingly.Ineffect,thisisapassivelisteningmode.ReceivedVTPinformationisforwardedouttrunklinkstoneighboringswitchesinthedomain,sotheswitchalsoactsasaVTPrelay.Transparentmode:VTPtransparentswitchesdonotparticipateinVTP.Whileintransparentmode,aswitchdoesnotadvertiseitsownVLANconfiguration,andaswitchdoesnotsynchronizeitsVLANdatabasewithreceivedadvertisements.InVTPversion1,atransparent-modeswitchdoesnotevenrelayVTPinformationitreceivestootherswitches,unlessitsVTPdomainnamesandVTPversionnumbersmatchthoseoftheotherswitches.InVTPversion2,transparentswitchesdoforwardreceivedVTPadvertisementsoutoftheirtrunkports,actingasVTPrelays.ThisoccursregardlessoftheVTPdomainnamesetting.

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