正确答案: C

Remove Paul from any other group that has been explicitly denied access to the Sales folder.

题目:You are the administrator of your company's network. A user named Paul in the service department has a Windows 2000 Professional computer. Paul needs to access the files that are in a shared folder on his computer. A local group named Sales has permissions to access the data. Paul is a member of the Sales local group but he cannot access the file he needs.What should you do?

解析:解析:Explanation: The Sales group, which Paul is a member of, has permission to access the files. However, Paul still cannot access the files. It would seem that Paul has a permissions conflict. A user can be granted file permissions in a number of contexts: as a user or as a member of a user group. When a user has different file permissions in multiple contexts, the most restrictive permission is applied. Furthermore, the deny permission overrides all other permissions. As Paul does not have access to the file you must therefore assume Paul has explicitly been denied access to the file in some context, as member of one or more groups that have been denied access to the file. You would thus have to remove Paul from such a group so that the restriction is not applied to Paul.



  • [单选题]You are the administrator of a SQL Server 2000 computer. You create a Data Transformation Services (DTS) package. The package is stored as a local package on the server. The package exports data from an online transaction processing (OLTP) database system to an online analytical processing (OLAP) database system that is located on a second SQL Server 2000 computer.You want the package to execute automatically each evening at 8:00 P.M. What should you do?
  • Use SQL Server Enterprise Manager to create a new job Create a CmdExec job step that runs the dtsrun utility Schedule the job to run each night at 8:00 P.M.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: Transfers can be defined and stored in a DTS package, which can then be run from a command line using the dtsrun utility (DTSRUN.EXE). CmdExec job steps are operating system commands or executable programs ending with .bat, .cmd, .com, or .exe. In this scenario we create a job consisting of a single cmdexec job step which runs the DTS package using the dtsrun utility.

  • [多选题]You are the administrator of a SQL Server 2000 computer. The server contains a Data Transformation Services (DTS) package that queries multiple databases and writes the results to a text file. You run this package by using a Microsoft Windows batch file. The batch file uses the dtsrun utility to execute the DTS package.You want to ensure that connection properties, such as login names and passwords, cannot be read or modified by users. Which two actions should you take? (Each correct answer represents part of the solution. Choose two.)
  • Save the DTS package so that it has an owner password.

    Encrypt the DTS package details in the command line of the dtsrun utility.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: In this scenario we will use a windows batch file with the owner password for maximum security.

  • [单选题]You are the administrator of a SQL Server 2000 database named Articles. A large city newspaper uses this database to store its archived newspaper articles. Journalists query the database as part of their research. You have created full-text indexes so that users can query the articles quickly.A hardware failure forces you to restore the entire database from backup. After you restore the database, the journalists report that they can no longer run queries without receiving errors.
  • Repopulate the full-text index on the table that holds the text for the articles

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: Backing up a database does not back up full-text index data in full-text catalogs. The full-text catalog files are not recovered during a Microsoft SQL Server recovery. However, if full-text indexes have been defined for tables, the metadata for the full-text index definitions are stored in the system tables in the database containing the full-text indexes. After a database backup is restored, the full-text index catalogs can be re-created and repopulated.

  • [单选题]You are the administrator of a SQL Server 2000 computer named SQL1. You want to perform. ad hoc distribution queries against a database that is stored on a SQL Server 2000 computer named SQL2. SQL2 contains several databases, and each of these databases uses a different collation.You want to ensure that comparisons in distributed queries are evaluated correctly. You also want to minimize administrative overhead.
  • Add SQL2 as a linked server. Select the Use Remote Collation check box, and do not specify a collation name.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:WeshouldsetupSQL2asalinkedserver.Thiswouldenabletoissuedistributedqueriestoit.WeshouldalsoselectRemoteCollationoptiontousethecollationontheremoteserver.Note:SQLServer2000allowsthecreationoflinkstoOLEDBdatasourcescalledlinkedservers.AfteralinkhasbeencreateditispossibletoreferencerowsetsfromtheOLEDBdatasourcesastablesinTransact-SQLstatementsandpasscommandstotheOLEDBdatasourcesandincludetheresultingrowsetsastablesinTransact-SQLstatements.Eachdistributedquerycanreferencemultiplelinkedserversandcanperform.eitherupdateorreadoperationsagainsteachindividuallinkedserver.Asingledistributedquerycanperform.readoperationsagainstsomelinkedserversandupdateoperationsagainstotherlinkedservers.Thelinkedserveroptionsdefinedbyusingthesp_serveroptionstoredprocedurecontrolhowSQLServerusescollationsfromlinkedservers.WhentheUseRemoteCollationoptionissettoTRUE,itspecifiesthatthecollationofremotecolumnsisusedforSQLServerdatasources,andthecollationspecifiedinCollationNameisusedfordatasourcesotherthanSQLServer.WhenFALSE,distributedqueriesalwaysusethedefaultcollationofthelocalserverinstance,andCollationNameandthecollationofremotecolumnsareignored.IftheUseRemoteCollationoptionissettoTRUE,wecanspecifythenameofthecollationusedbytheremotedatasourceintheCollationNameoption.Thecollationmust,however,besupportedbySQLServer.ThisoptionshouldbeusedwhenaccessinganOLEDBdatasourceotherthanSQLServer,butwhosecollationmatchesoneoftheSQLServercollationsIncorrectAnswers:A:TheCOLLATEclauseoftheALTERDATABASEstatementcanbeusedtochangethecollationusedbythedatabase.However,thissolutionisinappropriateastheSQL2servercontainsseveraldatabases,eachofwhichusesadifferentcollation.Wewouldthusnotbeabletospecifyallthecollations.B:Remoteserversaresetupinpairswithbothserversconfiguredtorecognizeeachotherasremoteservers.TheconfigurationoptionsforbothserversshouldbesetsothateachinstanceofSQLServerallowsremoteuserstoexecuteprocedurecalls.However,supportforremoteserversisprovidedforbackwardcompatibilityonly.ApplicationsthatmustexecuteproceduresagainstremoteinstancesofSQLServer2000shoulduselinkedserversinstead.D:InthisscenariowecannotspecifythecollationnameasSQL2containsseveraldatabases,eachofwhichuseadifferentcollation.

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