• [单选题]Tom: You are playing guitar well. Can you read music? Charles: No, I don't. I just listen to songs on the radio and then play them until they sound right. Tom: ______ Charles: No, really.
  • 正确答案 :D
  • You're kidding

  • 解析:解析:Tom对Charles不识乐谱也能弹得一手好吉他感到难以置信,这种情况下一般说 You're kidding或You're joking,意思是:“你在开玩笑吧!”或“这不是真的!”。其他几个选项分别表示“撒谎”、“吹嘘”、“欺骗”,都不恰当。

  • [单选题]In the last sentence, the word "bust" most probably means ______.
  • 正确答案 :A
  • the upper part of one's body

  • 解析:解析:应该正确理解出现本词汇的最后一个句子“A few even accepted commissions to make busts of prominent citizens.”B选项的意思为“自画像”,和C以及D的意思与句子的语境意义不符。本句话的意思为“一部分木雕师甚至接受任务给名人做上半身塑像”。

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