正确答案: BE

Restart the Windows 2000 Setup by using the Windows 2000 Server CD-ROM. Install a driver for the SCSI controller from a floppy disk.

题目:You are installing Windows 2000 Server on a new computer that has a single 10-GB SCSI disk. The disk controller is not included on the current Hardware Compatibility List (HCL). You start the computer by using the Windows 2000 Server CD-ROM.When the computer restarts at the end of the text mode portion of Windows 2000 setup, you receive the following STOP error: "INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE."

解析:解析:Explanation: To solve the problem posed in this scenario we must restart the Windows 2000 installation process and supply the correct SCSI driver. We cannot use Device Manager or Safe Mode at this stage since Windows 2000 is not installed yet. We must press F6 when Setup prompts us to do so. We must then press F6 again to supply the driver for a mass storage controller to the Windows 2000 Setup program.



  • [单选题]A folder on your Windows 2000 Professional computer contains bitmap files that have been compressed from 2MB to 1MB. You want to copy one of the compressed bitmap files from the hard disk to 1.4-MB floppy disk.When you attempt to copy, you receive the following error message 'Destination drive is Full'.
  • Use another program to compress the bitmap file before copying it to the floppy disk.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: Windows 2000 file compression only works on the NTFS file system. However, floppy disks make use of the FAT file system. When compressed files are copied from an NTFS drive to a FAT or FAT32 drive, the file loses it compressed state and becomes uncompressed. You therefore require another application to compress the bitmap file. You could for example use Winzip, WinRar, WinAce or Micosoft's compress.exe.

  • [单选题]You are upgrading a computer from Windows 98 to Windows 2000 Professional. The computer is a 400-Mhz Pentium III, and has 128 MB of RAM and a 10-GB hard disk. You are performing the installation by using the Windows 2000 Professional CD-ROM. After the text mode installation portion is complete, you restart the computer. The BIOS virus checker on your computer indicates you're your computer is infected with a Master Boot Record virus.What should you do before you continue the installation?
  • Disable the BIOS virus checker and restart the computer.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: During the installation of Windows 2000, the setup program must make changes the boot sector. The BIOS virus checker interprets changes made to the boot sector as the result of a virus and prevents the computer from booting any further. You must therefore disable the BIOS virus checker.

  • [单选题]You are the administrator of a SQL Server 2000 computer. The server contains a database that stores financial data. You want to use Data Transformation Services packages to import numeric data from other SQL server computers. The precision and scale values of this data are not defined consistently on the other servers.You want to prevent any loss of data during the import operations. What should you do?
  • Use the ALTER COLUMN clause of the ALTER TABLE statement to change data types in the destination tables. Change the data types to reflect the highest precision and scale values involved in data transfer.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: The ALTER COLUMN clause of the ALTER TABLE statement can be used to change the definition of a column and can be used to alter the precision and scale values of the data types. The destination precision should be changed so no data would be lost. The transformation to a data type with higher precision is automatic and would not require any coding.

  • [单选题]You are the administrator of a SQL Server 2000 database named Articles. A large city newspaper uses this database to store its archived newspaper articles. Journalists query the database as part of their research. You have created full-text indexes so that users can query the articles quickly.A hardware failure forces you to restore the entire database from backup. After you restore the database, the journalists report that they can no longer run queries without receiving errors.
  • Repopulate the full-text index on the table that holds the text for the articles

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: Backing up a database does not back up full-text index data in full-text catalogs. The full-text catalog files are not recovered during a Microsoft SQL Server recovery. However, if full-text indexes have been defined for tables, the metadata for the full-text index definitions are stored in the system tables in the database containing the full-text indexes. After a database backup is restored, the full-text index catalogs can be re-created and repopulated.

  • [单选题]You are the administrator of a Windows 2000 Professional computer that has a shared printer. Several departments in your company use the shared printer.The Sales department frequently prints multiple-page presentation graphics, which take a long time to print. Users in other departments who have short messages to print must wait an unnecessarily long time for their jobs to print.
  • Configure the priority of the printer to 50. Add a new printer, and set the priority to 99. For the new printer, deny print permissions for users in the Sales department.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: The Sales department has long-running printing jobs that are blocking the print device for long periods of time. In order to give the other departments' print jobs higher priority than the Sales department's print jobs, we create a new printer with higher priority. We deny print permission for the Sales department on the new printer.

  • [单选题]You are the database administrator of a SQL Server 2000 computer. The server contains your company's Accounts database. Hundreds of users access the database each day.Because you have had power interruptions in the past, you want to perfect the physical integrity of the Accounts database. You do not want to slow down server operations.
  • Ensure that write caching disk controllers have battery backups.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:Thescenariostatesthatpowerinterruptionshaveoccurredinthepast.Bybuyingabatterybackupsolutionforthediskcontrollersthepowerinterruptionproblemwouldbeprevented.IncorrectAnswers:A:Tornpagedetectionisareactivesolutionwhichwouldslowdownperformancesincerestoreswouldhavetobemade.Itwouldbettertouseapreventivesolution.Note:Tornpagedetection:Ifatornpageisdetected,thedatabasemustberestoredfrombackupbecauseitwillbephysicallyinconsistent.B:Cachingisveryimportforperformance.Disablingwrite-cachingwouldbeabadidea.D:Repairingthedatabaseeverynightisnotagoodsolution.Databaseerrorscannotbeaccepted.Itisbettertopreventtheprobleminsteadoftryingtofixitafterithashappened.

  • [单选题]You are the network administrator for Ezonexam.The network includes a Windows 2000 Server computer that contains a single 36-GB hard disk. The drive is configured as a basic disk and has two partitions. Partition C is 4 GB in size and contains the operating system files. Partition D is 32 GB in size and contains user data that is updated frequently.
  • Start the computer by using a Windows 2000 Server compact disc. Select the Repair option in Setup.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:Therearefourwaystoperform.anattendedinstallation:1.BoottoaCD-ROM,therebyinvokingthesetuproutine.2.BoottoacurrentoperatingsystemwithCD-ROMsupportandmanuallyinvokethesetuproutine.3.BoottoasetoffoursetupdisksandthenprovidetheCD-ROMwhenprompted.4.Boottoanetwork-awareoperatingsystemandinvokesetupoverthenetwork.IfyouhaveacomputerwhoseBIOSsupportsbootingfromaCD-ROM,youcansetupWindows2000Serverwithoutinstallinganoperatingsystemonyourharddriveandwithoutrequiringnetworksupport.Todoso,configureyourcomputertoboottotheCD-ROMintheBIOS.IntheabovescenariotheserverfailedandforyoutorecovertheserverasquicklyaspossibleandrecoveringasmuchdataaspossibleyouneedtousetheWindows2000ServerCDandselecttheRepairoptioninSetup.Incorrectanswers:B:Thisoptionwillnotbethebesttofollowiftheserveristoberecoveredwithintheshortestpossibletime.Youwillalsolosesomedatasincere-creatingthesharedfoldersonthefirstharddiskwouldalreadyhavedatamissingsincePartitionCiscorrupted.C:EmergencyRepairDiskenablesyoutorecoverfromRegistrysettingsthatrenderyoursysteminoperable.ThismightbemisconfigurationthatcouldnotbecaughtwiththeLastKnownGoodConfiguration,oritmightbedeleteduseraccountsorotherRegistrychanges.Thisisnotaregistryproblem.TheEmergencyRepairDiskcanbeusedtofacilitatesomesystemrepairsonyourWindows2000server.Essentially,thediskcanbeusedtorepairstartupproblems,likewhenessentialstartupfilesarenotpresentandyourServerrefusestoboot.However,thisproblemneedstobeaddressesasquicklyaspossibleandmakinguseoftheRepairoptioninSetupfromtheWindows2000ServerCDwouldbethequickermethod.D:TheRecoveryconsoleisapowerfultext-basedbootalternativeforWindows2000Server.Ifyoursystembecomessocorruptthatitwillnotbootandnootherrepairprocesswillhelp,youcanboottotheRecoveryconsoleandcopyfilestoorfromyourserver.Inaddition,youcanstopandstartservices,ifaservicethatyouhaveinstalledcausesproblemswithbooting.Thisoptiondoesnotrepresentthequickestwaytoaddresstheproblemathand.

  • [单选题]You configure a Group Policy Object for the Marketing organizational unit (OU) to prevent users from accessing My Network Places and from running System in Control Panel. You want the Managers domain local group to be able to access My Network Places, but you still want to prevent them from running System in Control Panel.What should you do?
  • Create a second GPO in the OU. Add the managers group to the access control list. Allow the managers group to read and apply the group policy. Disable the permission of the authenticated user group to read and apply the group policy. Configure the new GPO to allow access to My Network Places. Give the new GPO a higher priority than the original GPO.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:InthisscenarioweneedtocreateasecondGPOandapplyitonlytotheManagers.WemustallowaccesstoMyNetworkPlacesinthenewGPO.ThenwegivetheGPOhigherprioritythantheoriginalone.Incorrectanswers:A:WestillrequiretheoriginalGPOtoapplytothemanagers,aswewanttopreventthemfromrunningSysteminControlPanel.ThereforeweshouldnotdisablethepermissionofthemanagersgrouptoreadandapplytheGroupPolicy,asthiswillresultintheGPOnotbeingappliedtotheManagers.B:WestillrequiretheoriginalGPOtoapplytothemanagers,aswewanttopreventthemfromrunningSysteminControlPanel.ThereforeweshouldnotdenythepermissionofthemanagersgrouptoreadandapplytheGroupPolicy,asthiswillresultintheGPOnotbeingappliedtotheManagers.C:WeneedtoallowtheManagersaccesstoMyNetworkPlaces.ThatmustbeconfiguredinthesecondGPO.

  • [单选题]You are the administrator of a 12 SQL Server 2000 computers. These servers are located in company offices throughout the world.You configure a multiserver job on the server in your company's New York City office. You configure this server as a master server, and designate the remaining 11 servers as target servers.
  • On the New York City server, defect all 11 target servers. On the JobMaster server, enlist the 12 servers as target servers.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:Whensettingupanewmasterserver,theoldmasterservermustdefectallitstargetservers.Whenanewlydesignatedmasterserverreplacesanexistingmasterserver,thetargetserversmustbedefectedfromtheexistingmasterserver.Thetargetserverscanthenbeenlistedonthenewmasterserver.Thiscanincludetheexistingtargetserver.Note:InSQLServer2000EnterpriseEdition,multiserveradministrationisusedtoautomatetheadministrationofmultipleinstancesofSQLServer2000.Itcanbeusedtomanagetwoormoreserversandtoscheduleinformationflowsbetweenenterpriseserversfordatawarehousing.Withmultiserveradministration,theremustbeatleastonemasterserverandatleastonetargetserver.Amasterserverdistributesjobstoandreceiveseventsfromtargetservers.Amasterserverstoresthecentralcopyofjobdefinitionsforjobsrunontargetservers.Targetserversconnectperiodicallytotheirmasterservertoupdatetheirlistofjobstoperform.Ifanewjobexists,thetargetserverdownloadsthejobanddisconnectsfromthemasterserver.Afterthetargetservercompletesthejob,itreconnectstothemasterserverandreportsthestatusofthejob.WithSQLServer2000EnterpriseEdition,masterserverscanenlisttargetserversandcandefecttargetservers.IncorrectAnswers:B:ThissolutiondoesnotaddresstheneedtodemotetheNewYorkCityserver.Itisthusstillamasterserver.C:InthissolutiontheJobMasterserverisenlistedasatargetserveroftheNewYorkCityserver.ThissolutionalsodoesnotaddresstheneedtodemotetheNewYorkCityserver.Itisthusstillamasterserver.D:InthissolutiontheNewYorkCityserverisnotatargetserveroftheJobMasterserverasithasbeendefectedfromtheJobMasterserver.

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