• [单选题]You are the administrator responsible for security and user desktop settings on your network. You need to configure a custom registry entry for all users. You want to add the custom registry entry into a Group Policy object (GPO) with the least amount of administrative effort.What should you do?
  • 正确答案 :A
  • Configure an ADM template and add the template to the GPO.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: It is recommended that we should use the supplied Administrative Templates where possible. Administrative Templates propagate registry settings to a large number of computers without requiring us to have detailed knowledge of the registry. However, the administrator can create custom .adm files if the supplied templates are inadequate. In Windows 2000, we use Group Policy to set registry-based policies. In Windows NT 4.0, we used the System Policy Editor (Poledit.exe) to set System Policy.

  • [单选题]You want to install Windows 2000 Professional on 30 PXE-compliant computers and 35 non-PXE-compliant computers. All 65 computers are included on the current hardware compatibility list (HCL). You create a RIS image. You load the image on the RIS server. You then start the 65 computers.You find that the 30 PXE-Compliant computers can connect to the RIS server.
  • 正确答案 :B
  • Run Rbfg.exe to create a Non-PXE-compliant startup disk.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: Non-PXE compliant clients need to use a network boot disk to be able to connect to the RIS server. This boot disk can be created using the RBFG.EXE utility (remote boot floppy generator).

  • [多选题]You are the administrator of a SQL Server 2000 computer. The server contains your company's order processing database. Two-hundred operators take orders by telephone 24 hours a day. Threehundred data entry personnel enter data from orders received by mail.To ensure that order data will not be lost, your company's disaster recovery policy requires that backups be written to tape. Copies of these tapes must be stored at an off-site company location. Orders must be entered into the database before they can be filled. If the server fails, you must be able to recover the order data as quickly as possible.
  • 正确答案 :DF
  • Perform. a combination of full database, differential, and transaction log backups.

    Back up the data to a network share, and then use enterprise backup software to write the disk backups to tape.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:

  • [单选题]You are the administrator of Ezonexam.com's network.Ezonexam has several branch offices. Each branch office has a Windows 2000 Server computer with Service Pack 2 installed. Each branch office also has a technical support department. You want to configure the remote Windows 2000 Server computers so that whenever a new driver becomes available from Microsoft, the branch offices are notified automatically when the administrator logs on to the server.
  • 正确答案 :B
  • Install Windows Update

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: Windows Update is used to upgrade the system files and to retrieve and apply the latest service packs and patches for the operating system. All necessary files are downloaded through the Internet.

  • [单选题]You are the administrator of a SQL Server 2000 computer. The server contains confidential information about contracts on which your company has placed bids.Company policy requires that bid information be removed permanently from the database one year after the bid closes. You need to comply with this policy and minimize server overhead.
  • 正确答案 :D
  • Create a stored procedure to delete any bids that have a closing data order than one year. Use SQL server agent to schedule the stored procedure to run every night.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:Thisscenariorequiresustoremoveoldinformationonaregularbasis.Firstwecreateastoredprocedurewhichremovesallrowswherethebidinformationdateisolderthanthecurrentdateminusoneyear.Thenweschedulethisproceduretoruneveryday.Wewouldthenbesuretoneverhaveanyrowsolderthanayearinthetable.Note:Storedproceduresalsoimproveperformanceasthestoredprocedureiscachedafteritisrun.ThisresultsinareductionofphysicalI/O.WecanfurtherreduceServeroverheadbyschedulingthestoredproceduretorunduringoff-peakhours.IncorrectAnswers:A:ADataTransformationServices(DTS)packageprovidesasetoftoolsthatallowsustoextract,transform,andconsolidatedatastoredinavarietyofformatsandindifferentlocationsintosingleormultipledestinationssupportedbyDTSconnectivity.Thissolutionisinappropriate,asthedataexistsontheserverandnotinnumerouslocationsandwouldthusbecorrectlyformattedforuseonaninstanceSQLServer2000.B:TriggersareaspecialtypeofstoredprocedurethatexecutesautomaticallywhenanUPDATE,INSERT,orDELETEstatementisrunagainstatableorview.Inthisscenariohowever,thedatestampofthedatainthedatabasemustbecheckedandthedatadeletedoneyearafterthebidhasclosed.Thiscannotbeaccomplishedthroughtheuseofconstraintsortriggers.D:Creatingaviewthatexcludesthebidsthathaveaclosingdateolderthanoneyeardoesnotaddressthecompanypolicythatrequiresthatbidinformationberemovedpermanentlyfromthedatabaseoneyearafterthebidcloses.Thisdatawillstillexistinthebasetables.

  • [单选题]Your Windows 2000 Server computer has a 10-GB hard disk with two partitions: Drive C and drive D. Windows 2000 Server is installed on Drive D. Both partitions are formatted as NTFS. Your office experiences a power failure that causes your Windows 2000 Server computer to restart.When the computer is restarting, you receive the following error message "NTLDR is missing. Press any key to restart".
  • 正确答案 :B
  • Start the computer by using Windows 2000 Server computer CD-ROM and choose to repair the installation. Select the Recovery Console and copy the NTLDR file on the CD-ROM to the root of the system partition.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:Theproblemposedinthisscenariocouldarisefromanumberofcauses.ItcouldbethattheNTLDRismissing,orthebootsectoriscorrupt,orthediskisphysicallydamaged.IfweassumethattheproblemcausedbyamissingNTLDR,wecoulduseeithertheEmergencyRepairDisk(ERD)ortheRecoveryConsoletocorrectheproblem.UsingeithertheEmergencyRepairDiskortheRecoveryConsolewewouldattempttocopytheNTLDRfilefromtheWindows2000installationCD-ROMtotherootofthesystempartition,whichcouldsolvethebootproblem.Incorrectanswers:B:Debuggingmodeisaspecialsafemodeoptionthatusedbydeveloperstodebugprograms.ItcannotbeusedrestoretheNTLDR.C:Windows2000doesnotsupportabootablefloppydisk,althoughthefourWindows2000setupdiskscouldbeusedtostartthecomputerinWindows2000.TheRecoveryConsoleortheERDprocessmustbeusedtorestoretheNTLDR.D:TheFileSignatureVerificationutilityisusetotesttheintegrityofdevicedrivers.ItcannotbeusedrestoretheNTLDR.

  • [单选题]You are the administrator of a 12 SQL Server 2000 computers. These servers are located in company offices throughout the world.You configure a multiserver job on the server in your company's New York City office. You configure this server as a master server, and designate the remaining 11 servers as target servers.
  • 正确答案 :C
  • On the New York City server, defect all 11 target servers. On the JobMaster server, enlist the 12 servers as target servers.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:Whensettingupanewmasterserver,theoldmasterservermustdefectallitstargetservers.Whenanewlydesignatedmasterserverreplacesanexistingmasterserver,thetargetserversmustbedefectedfromtheexistingmasterserver.Thetargetserverscanthenbeenlistedonthenewmasterserver.Thiscanincludetheexistingtargetserver.Note:InSQLServer2000EnterpriseEdition,multiserveradministrationisusedtoautomatetheadministrationofmultipleinstancesofSQLServer2000.Itcanbeusedtomanagetwoormoreserversandtoscheduleinformationflowsbetweenenterpriseserversfordatawarehousing.Withmultiserveradministration,theremustbeatleastonemasterserverandatleastonetargetserver.Amasterserverdistributesjobstoandreceiveseventsfromtargetservers.Amasterserverstoresthecentralcopyofjobdefinitionsforjobsrunontargetservers.Targetserversconnectperiodicallytotheirmasterservertoupdatetheirlistofjobstoperform.Ifanewjobexists,thetargetserverdownloadsthejobanddisconnectsfromthemasterserver.Afterthetargetservercompletesthejob,itreconnectstothemasterserverandreportsthestatusofthejob.WithSQLServer2000EnterpriseEdition,masterserverscanenlisttargetserversandcandefecttargetservers.IncorrectAnswers:B:ThissolutiondoesnotaddresstheneedtodemotetheNewYorkCityserver.Itisthusstillamasterserver.C:InthissolutiontheJobMasterserverisenlistedasatargetserveroftheNewYorkCityserver.ThissolutionalsodoesnotaddresstheneedtodemotetheNewYorkCityserver.Itisthusstillamasterserver.D:InthissolutiontheNewYorkCityserverisnotatargetserveroftheJobMasterserverasithasbeendefectedfromtheJobMasterserver.

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