• [单选题]You are the administrator of a Windows 2000 Active Directory network. The network consists of a single domain. The domain includes 20 Windows NT Workstation 4.0 client computers. All other client computers are Windows 2000 Professional computers.You create a Windows NT 4.0 default user policy on the Windows 2000 Server computer that is configured as the PDC emulator. This default user policy denies access to Network Neighborhood. You then install Terminal Services on one of the servers and Terminal Services Client on the 20 Windows NT Workstation client computers.
  • 正确答案 :E
  • Create a Windows 2000 Group Policy that denies user access to My Network Places.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: Windows NT 4.0 system polices affect computers running Windows NT 4.0. The Windows NT computers in this scenario are being used as Terminals for the Windows 2000 Server computer that is running Terminal Services. In effect the Windows NT clients are running locally on the Windows 2000 Server. The restriction must be applied on the Windows 2000 Server. This can be done by using a group policy.

  • [单选题]You want to upgrade 400 computers from Windows 95 to Windows 2000 Professional. Most of the computers in your company use the same hardware. However, several different peripheral devices are used throughout the company.You want to verify that the hardware in use is compatible with Windows 2000 Professional. You want to accomplish this with least amount of administrative effort.
  • 正确答案 :E
  • Use Setup Manager to create a Setup.inf file. Add the entryReportOnly=Yes to the [Win9xUpg] section of the answer file. RunWinnt32.exe /Unattended:Setup.infon all of the different computer configurations.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: Winnt32.exe /unattended:setup.inf will start an unattended installation using the answer file setup.inf. When ReportOnly=Yes is added in the [Win9xUpg] section of the answer file, the installation only generates an upgrade report and then exits without making any changes to the current Windows 95 or Windows 98 installation. The upgrade report contains a list of hardware and software incompatibilities and is saved to the root of the system drive if the SaveReportTo key is not specified.

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