正确答案: ADE

Host 1 on VLAN 1 can ping Host 2 on VLAN 1 Host 4 on VLAN 2 can not ping Host 1 on VLAN 1 Host 4 on VLAN 2 can ping Host 2 on VLAN 2

题目:There are 2 switches in the Ezonexam LAN, with no routers. Ports 1, 2 & 3 are assigned to VLAN 1 in switch 1 and 2 and ports 4, 5 & 6 are assigned to VLAN 2 in both switches. These two switches are connected together via a trunked link. Which of the conditions below would verify trunk and VLAN operation? (Select all valid answers)




  • [单选题]IP地址为:,掩码为:,则该IP地址所在子网的子网有效IP为()

  • [单选题]OSI七层模型中,数据链路层的数据封装名称为()

  • [多选题]You need to configure an 802.1Q link on a Ezonexam switch. Which commands, when used together, would do this? (Select two answer choices)
  • Switch(config-if) switchport mode trunk

    Switch(config-if) switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q

  • 解析:C,D 解析:Explanation:

  • [单选题]The Ezonexam network administrator has issued the "VTP password ezonexam" command on a Cisco device. What is the purpose of this command?
  • It is used to validate the sources of VTP advertisements sent between switches

  • [单选题]The Ezonexam network administrator needs to a switch named VE1 to become the root bridge for a redundant path switched network. What can be done to ensure that VE1 will always assume the role as the root bridge?
  • Configure the switch so that it has lower priority than other switches in the network

  • [多选题]What are two results of entering the VESwitch(config)# vtp mode client command on a Catalyst switch in the Ezonexam LAN? (Choose two.)
  • The switch will forward VTP summary advertisements

    The switch will process VTP summary advertisements

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:Servermode:VTPservershavefullcontroloverVLANcreationandmodificationfortheirdomains.AllVTPinformationisadvertisedtootherswitchesinthedomain,whileallreceivedVTPinformationissynchronizedwiththeotherswitches.Bydefault,aswitchisinVTPservermode.NotethateachVTPdomainmusthaveatleastoneserversothatVLANscanbecreated,modified,ordeleted,andVLANinformationcanbepropagated.Clientmode:VTPclientsdonotallowtheadministratortocreate,change,ordeleteanyVLANs.Instead,theylistentoVTPadvertisementsfromotherswitchesandmodifytheirVLANconfigurationsaccordingly.Ineffect,thisisapassivelisteningmode.ReceivedVTPinformationisforwardedouttrunklinkstoneighboringswitchesinthedomain,sotheswitchalsoactsasaVTPrelay.Transparentmode:VTPtransparentswitchesdonotparticipateinVTP.Whileintransparentmode,aswitchdoesnotadvertiseitsownVLANconfiguration,andaswitchdoesnotsynchronizeitsVLANdatabasewithreceivedadvertisements.InVTPversion1,atransparent-modeswitchdoesnotevenrelayVTPinformationitreceivestootherswitches,unlessitsVTPdomainnamesandVTPversionnumbersmatchthoseoftheotherswitches.InVTPversion2,transparentswitchesdoforwardreceivedVTPadvertisementsoutoftheirtrunkports,actingasVTPrelays.ThisoccursregardlessoftheVTPdomainnamesetting.

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