正确答案: A






  • [单选题]植物神经节前纤维释放的递质是
  • 乙酰胆碱

  • [单选题]裴斯泰洛齐认为,道德教育最基本的要素是
  • 儿童对母亲的爱B.儿童对父亲的爱

  • [单选题]热极津枯重证之人,可见
  • 干荔舌

  • [单选题]社会主义道德建设的原则是
  • 集体主义

  • [单选题]依法治国的根本保证是
  • 党的领导

  • [单选题]We can draw a conclusion from the text that______.
  • oil-price shocks are less shocking now

  • 解析:答案:A

  • [单选题]Text 4The U.S. government has recently helped people learn more about the dangers of earthquakes by publishing a map. This map shows the chances of an earthquake in each part of the country. The areas of the map where government is spending a great deal of money and is working hard to help discover the answer to these two questions:
  • zones with a high probability of earthquakes

  • 解析:答案:B

  • 推荐下载科目: 高中 初中 成考 考研 法律硕士 考博 教育硕士 在职硕士 自考专业课 小学
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