• [单选题]Cisco IOS命令ip nat inside source static的作用是什么()
  • 正确答案 :D
  • 为内部本地地址和内部全局地址创建一对一的映射关系

  • [单选题]哪个ACL可允许主机10.220.158.10访问web服务器192.168.3.244()
  • 正确答案 :D
  • access-list 101 permit tcp host eq 80

  • [单选题]对于使用链路状态路由协议的路由器如何选择最佳路线到达子网,下列哪项是正确的()
  • 正确答案 :B
  • 通过针对链路状态数据库中的信息运行SPF算法,路由器会计算出最佳路由

  • [单选题]常见的LSA有几种类型()
  • 正确答案 :C
  • 6

  • [多选题]The LAN needs are expanding at the Ezonexam corporate office, which is quickly growing. You are instructed to enlarge the area covered by a single LAN segment on the Ezonexam network.Which of the following are layer 1 devices that you can use? (Choose all that apply.)
  • 正确答案 :DE
  • A hub

    A repeater

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:

  • [单选题]You are an administrator of the Ezonexam switched network and your goal is to reduce some of the administrative overhead on your network. You plan on achieving this by configuring a new VLAN for each department in the Ezonexam network.However, you need to share the VLAN information across numerous switches. Which of the following would allow you accomplish this?
  • 正确答案 :D
  • VTP

  • 解析:D 解析:Explanation:

  • [多选题]What are two characteristics of "store and forward" switching? (Select two answer choices)
  • 正确答案 :BC
  • The switch receives the complete frame. before beginning to forward it.

    Latency through the switch varies with frame. length.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:

  • [单选题]Which one of the following characteristics is true regarding the use of hubs and switches?
  • 正确答案 :E
  • Switches increase the number of collision domains in the network.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:Switchesincreasesthenumberofcollisionsdomainsinthenetwork.SwitchesthatareconfiguredwithVLANswillreducethesizeofthecollisiondomainsbyincreasingthenumberofcollisiondomainsinanetwork,butmakingthemsmallerthanthatofonebig,flatnetwork.IncorrectAnswers:A.SwitchesarecapableofVLANconfigurations,buthubsarenot.B.Hubsaregenerallytheleastcostlymethodpossibletoconnectmultipledevicestogetherinanetwork.C.Switchesforwardbroadcastsandmulticasts,bydefault,toallportswithinthesameVLAN.Onlyroutersblockallbroadcasttrafficbydefault.D.Switchesandhubscanbeequallyefficientinprocessingframes,intheory.Inpractice,switchesaregenerallymoreefficientastheyusuallyhavemoreCPUandmemoryallocatedtothem,andaregenerallymuchmoreexpensivethanasimplehub.

  • [单选题]What is the purpose of the spanning-tree algorithm in a switched LAN?
  • 正确答案 :C
  • To prevent switching loops in networks with redundant switched paths.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:STPisusedinLANswithredundantpathsorroutestopreventloopsinalayer2switchedorbridgedLAN.IncorrectAnswers:A,B:TheprimarypurposeofSTPistopreventloops,notformonitoringormanagementofswitchesorVLANs.D.VLANsareusedtosegmentaLANintomultiplecollisiondomains,buttheSTPprocessalonedoesnotdothis.E.Routersareusedtopreventroutingloopsatlayer3oftheOSImodel.STPoperatesatlayer2.

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