• [单选题]You are the administrator of a SQL Server 2000 database named Articles. A large city newspaper uses this database to store its archived newspaper articles. Journalists query the database as part of their research. You have created full-text indexes so that users can query the articles quickly.A hardware failure forces you to restore the entire database from backup. After you restore the database, the journalists report that they can no longer run queries without receiving errors.
  • 正确答案 :E
  • Repopulate the full-text index on the table that holds the text for the articles

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: Backing up a database does not back up full-text index data in full-text catalogs. The full-text catalog files are not recovered during a Microsoft SQL Server recovery. However, if full-text indexes have been defined for tables, the metadata for the full-text index definitions are stored in the system tables in the database containing the full-text indexes. After a database backup is restored, the full-text index catalogs can be re-created and repopulated.

  • [单选题]You are the network administrator for Ezonexam. You are planning to upgrade 35 Windows NT Server 4.0 computers to Windows 2000 Server. You want to accomplish the upgrades by using a distribution server. The Windows NT Server 4.0 computers support a tight production schedule that requires them to be online from 8:00
  • 正确答案 :D
  • Perform. an unattended installation by running the winnt32 command and specify the use of a .txt file and a uniqueness database file.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: Performing an unattended installation from a distribution server will work since the upgrade must be done in non-business hours.

  • [单选题]You are the administrator of a 12 SQL Server 2000 computers. These servers are located in company offices throughout the world.You configure a multiserver job on the server in your company's New York City office. You configure this server as a master server, and designate the remaining 11 servers as target servers.
  • 正确答案 :C
  • On the New York City server, defect all 11 target servers. On the JobMaster server, enlist the 12 servers as target servers.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:Whensettingupanewmasterserver,theoldmasterservermustdefectallitstargetservers.Whenanewlydesignatedmasterserverreplacesanexistingmasterserver,thetargetserversmustbedefectedfromtheexistingmasterserver.Thetargetserverscanthenbeenlistedonthenewmasterserver.Thiscanincludetheexistingtargetserver.Note:InSQLServer2000EnterpriseEdition,multiserveradministrationisusedtoautomatetheadministrationofmultipleinstancesofSQLServer2000.Itcanbeusedtomanagetwoormoreserversandtoscheduleinformationflowsbetweenenterpriseserversfordatawarehousing.Withmultiserveradministration,theremustbeatleastonemasterserverandatleastonetargetserver.Amasterserverdistributesjobstoandreceiveseventsfromtargetservers.Amasterserverstoresthecentralcopyofjobdefinitionsforjobsrunontargetservers.Targetserversconnectperiodicallytotheirmasterservertoupdatetheirlistofjobstoperform.Ifanewjobexists,thetargetserverdownloadsthejobanddisconnectsfromthemasterserver.Afterthetargetservercompletesthejob,itreconnectstothemasterserverandreportsthestatusofthejob.WithSQLServer2000EnterpriseEdition,masterserverscanenlisttargetserversandcandefecttargetservers.IncorrectAnswers:B:ThissolutiondoesnotaddresstheneedtodemotetheNewYorkCityserver.Itisthusstillamasterserver.C:InthissolutiontheJobMasterserverisenlistedasatargetserveroftheNewYorkCityserver.ThissolutionalsodoesnotaddresstheneedtodemotetheNewYorkCityserver.Itisthusstillamasterserver.D:InthissolutiontheNewYorkCityserverisnotatargetserveroftheJobMasterserverasithasbeendefectedfromtheJobMasterserver.

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