正确答案: BC

Move the files from Sandra's folder to the manager's folder. Grant the manager NTFSFull Controlpermission to the files.

题目:You are the network administrator for Ezonexam.com. Your network has 210 Windows 2000 Professional computers and eleven Windows 2000 Server computers. Users on the network save their work files in home folders on a network server. The NTFS partition that contains the home folders has Encrypting File System (EFS) enabled. A user named Sandra leaves Ezonexam.com. You decrypt the files for her manager. When the manager attempts to open any of the files, he receives the following error message: "Access is denied."You want the manager to be able to access the files.




  • [单选题]You are the network administrator for Ezonexam.com. You configure a shared printer on a Windows 2000 Server computer. The printer connects to a Hewlett Packard JetDirect print device that uses DLC. This print device is on the same network segment as the server.Six months later, you relocate the print device to a different network segment. Users report that they are able to send print jobs to the printer but that their print jobs no longer print.
  • Delete the printer. Re-create the printer by using DLC to connect to the JetDirect print device.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: In this scenario the DLC protocol has to be configured on the Printer. The print device was in use on a different network segment, but the computer that serves as a print server must be on the same segment as the printer device because DLC is not routable.

  • [多选题]You are the administrator of a Windows NT Server 4.0 computer named Ezonexam1.Ezonexam1 is a backup domain controller and a member of Ezonexam.com's Windows 2000 Active Directory forest. The forest consists of three Windows 2000 domains. Ezonexam1 is the only remaining Windows NT Server 4.0. A new version of the application that runs on Windows 2000 Server has been developed that requires the use of Universal groups. The application will not run on a domain controller.
  • Upgrade Ezonexam1 to Windows 2000 Server. During the upgrade select the option to make Ezonexam1 a domain controller. After the upgrade, demote the domain controller.

    Convert the Windows 2000 domains to native mode.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: A member server is a Windows Server 200 server that has been installed as a non-domain controller and joined to a domain. This allows the server to operate as a file, print, and application server without the overhead of account administration.

  • [多选题]You are the administrator of a new multiprocessor SQL Server 2000 computer. You are migrating data from other database management systems to this server. You need to load data from two data files into a new table on the server. The table is empty and has no indexes.You want to complete the data load as quickly as possible. What should you do? (Each correct answer represents part of the solution. Choose all that apply.)
  • Apply a bulk update lock to the table.

    Use separate client connections to load the files into the table simultaneously.

    Specify the Bulk-Logged Recovery model for the database.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:

  • [多选题]The network consists of a single domain named Ezonexam.com that includes 20 Windows NT workstation 4.0 client computers. All other client computers are Windows 2000 Professional computers. You install Terminal Services on one of the Windows Server computers and Terminal Services Client on the 20 Windows NT Workstation 4.0 client computers. You create a system policy on the server that is configured as the terminal server. This system policy denies access to Network Neighborhood. You find that the users of the terminal server can still browse the network when they open My Network Places from Windows 2000 Professional computer or when they open Network Neighborhood from Windows NT Workstation 4.0 computers.You want to prevent all users from browsing the network.
  • Create a Windows Group Policy that denies user access to My Network Places.

    Create a Windows NT 4.0 default user policy on the Windows 2000 Server computer that is configured as the PDC emulator.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: The primary domain controller (PDC) is the server that maintains the master copy of the domain's user-accounts database and that validates logon requests. Prior to Windows 2000 every Windows NT network domain was required to have one, and only one, PDC. If you want to deny users of the terminal server browsing ability of the Network Neighborhood, you should create a group policy that denies access to My Network Places. (Microsoft is colloquially stuck with Network Neighborhood for My Network Places.)

  • [单选题]You want to upgrade a Windows NT Server 4.0 computer to Windows 2000 Server. The system partition uses the FAT file system.You start the Setup program by starting the computer from the Windows 2000 Server CD-ROM.
  • Restart the computer, and then run Winnt32.exe from the Windows NT Server 4.0 environment.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:WhenupgradingearlierversionsofWindowstoWindows2000wemustusewinnt32.exeandmustlaunchitfromwithintheWindowsenvironment.Incorrectanswers:A:Windows2000canbeinstalledorupgradedonadiskorpartitionthatisformattedwiththeFATfilesystem.ThereisthusnoneedtoconvertthefilesystemtoNTFS.B:TheAdvancedConfigurationandPowerInterfaceisusedforpowermanagementanddoesnotaffecttheinstallationorupgradeprocess.ItwouldthusnotbenecessarytodisableACPI.D:ThesetupfloppydisksuseWinnt.exetoinstallWindows2000.WehowevercanonlyusethesetupfloppydiskstoinstallacleancopyofWindows2000onthecomputer.WecannotupgradetheoperatingsystemtoWindows2000usingthesetupfloppydisks.Wemustusewinnt32.exetoupgradeearlierversionsofWindowstoWindows2000.

  • [单选题]You are the network administrator for Ezonexam.The network includes a Windows 2000 Server computer that contains a single 36-GB hard disk. The drive is configured as a basic disk and has two partitions. Partition C is 4 GB in size and contains the operating system files. Partition D is 32 GB in size and contains user data that is updated frequently.
  • Start the computer by using a Windows 2000 Server compact disc. Select the Repair option in Setup.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:Therearefourwaystoperform.anattendedinstallation:1.BoottoaCD-ROM,therebyinvokingthesetuproutine.2.BoottoacurrentoperatingsystemwithCD-ROMsupportandmanuallyinvokethesetuproutine.3.BoottoasetoffoursetupdisksandthenprovidetheCD-ROMwhenprompted.4.Boottoanetwork-awareoperatingsystemandinvokesetupoverthenetwork.IfyouhaveacomputerwhoseBIOSsupportsbootingfromaCD-ROM,youcansetupWindows2000Serverwithoutinstallinganoperatingsystemonyourharddriveandwithoutrequiringnetworksupport.Todoso,configureyourcomputertoboottotheCD-ROMintheBIOS.IntheabovescenariotheserverfailedandforyoutorecovertheserverasquicklyaspossibleandrecoveringasmuchdataaspossibleyouneedtousetheWindows2000ServerCDandselecttheRepairoptioninSetup.Incorrectanswers:B:Thisoptionwillnotbethebesttofollowiftheserveristoberecoveredwithintheshortestpossibletime.Youwillalsolosesomedatasincere-creatingthesharedfoldersonthefirstharddiskwouldalreadyhavedatamissingsincePartitionCiscorrupted.C:EmergencyRepairDiskenablesyoutorecoverfromRegistrysettingsthatrenderyoursysteminoperable.ThismightbemisconfigurationthatcouldnotbecaughtwiththeLastKnownGoodConfiguration,oritmightbedeleteduseraccountsorotherRegistrychanges.Thisisnotaregistryproblem.TheEmergencyRepairDiskcanbeusedtofacilitatesomesystemrepairsonyourWindows2000server.Essentially,thediskcanbeusedtorepairstartupproblems,likewhenessentialstartupfilesarenotpresentandyourServerrefusestoboot.However,thisproblemneedstobeaddressesasquicklyaspossibleandmakinguseoftheRepairoptioninSetupfromtheWindows2000ServerCDwouldbethequickermethod.D:TheRecoveryconsoleisapowerfultext-basedbootalternativeforWindows2000Server.Ifyoursystembecomessocorruptthatitwillnotbootandnootherrepairprocesswillhelp,youcanboottotheRecoveryconsoleandcopyfilestoorfromyourserver.Inaddition,youcanstopandstartservices,ifaservicethatyouhaveinstalledcausesproblemswithbooting.Thisoptiondoesnotrepresentthequickestwaytoaddresstheproblemathand.

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