• [单选题]You are the administrator of a new Microsoft Windows 2000 server computer named HQSQL5. HQSQL5 is a member server in your company's Windows NT 4.0 domain, which is named HQMAIN.After installing SQL Server 2000 on HQSQL5, you configure the MSSQLServer service account to use the HQMAIN\sqladmin user account, which is a member of the local administrators group on HQSQL5.
  • 正确答案 :E
  • Grant Log on as a service rights to the HQMAIN\sqladmin user account.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: On Windows NT and Windows 2000 operating systems, SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server Agent are started and run as Windows services. Windows services require ‘Log on as a service’ rights, which allow a security principal to log on as a service, as a way of establishing a security context. The Local System account on the Windows computer always retains the right to log on as a service. Any service that runs under a separate account must be granted this right.

  • [单选题]You are the network administrator for Ezonexam.com.You are planning to install 10 new Windows 2000 Server computers. Ezonexam has a tight production schedule that requires no changes be made to the Active Directory except during scheduled outages. You schedule the installations during an upcoming network outage which will occur betweenmidnight and 8:00
  • 正确答案 :G
  • Perform. the installations by using the Windows 2000 Installation compact disc and a floppy disk containing a Winnt.sif file.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: We must use Setup Manager to create a winnt.sif. We must then copy this file to a floppy. Then start the installation process from the CD-ROM and insert the floppy disk. The installation process will be a fully automated unattended installation.

  • [单选题]You want to install Windows 2000 Professional on 30 PXE-compliant computers and 35 non-PXE-compliant computers. All 65 computers are included on the current hardware compatibility list (HCL). You create a RIS image. You load the image on the RIS server. You then start the 65 computers.You find that the 30 PXE-Compliant computers can connect to the RIS server.
  • 正确答案 :B
  • Run Rbfg.exe to create a Non-PXE-compliant startup disk.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: Non-PXE compliant clients need to use a network boot disk to be able to connect to the RIS server. This boot disk can be created using the RBFG.EXE utility (remote boot floppy generator).

  • [单选题]You are the administrator of two SQL Server 2000 computers. One of these servers contains a 4-GB database named marketing. You want to remove the marketing database from one server and add it to the other as quickly as possible.What should you do?
  • 正确答案 :A
  • Detach the database from the original server by using the sp_detach_db stored procedure. Copy the database and the transaction log files to the new server, and attach them by using the sp_attach_db stored procedure.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:Detachingandattachingdatabasesissometimesausefultechniqueforquicklymovingadatabasefromonecomputertoanother.Tomoveadatabase,ordatabasefile,toanotherserverordiskthedatabasemustfirstbedetachedfromtheoriginalserverordisk;movedtotheotherserverordiskandthenattachedontheserverordisk.Inadditionthenewlocationofthemovedfile(s)mustbespecified.Thesp_detach_dbstoredprocedureisusedtodetachthedatabaseandcanrunUPDATESTATISTICSonalltablesbeforedetachingthedatabasewhilethesp_attach_dbstoredprocedureisusedtoattachthedatabaseinitsnewlocation.IncorrectAnswers:B:DTScanimportdatafromatextfileorfromanOLEDBdatasourcesuchasaMicrosoftAccess2000databaseintoSQLServer.ItcanalsoexportdatafromSQLServertoanOLEDBdatadestination.Itprovidesforhigh-speeddataloadingfromtextfilesintoSQLServertables.However,itisnotthefastestwaytomoveawholedatabasefromoneservertoanother.C:Beforeadatabasecanberestoredfromabackuptoanewlocation;thedatabasemustfirstberecreatedinthedestinationasthebackupholdsonlythedatafilesthatbelonginthevarioustables.Itdoesnotholdthetabledefinitions.Thisisnotthefastestmethodtomoveadatabase.D:TheDISKINITandDISKREFITcommandscannotbeusedtomoveadatabasefromoneservertoanother.Note:DISKINITandDISKREINITarefeaturesthatareusedinaSQLServer6.x.inSQLServer6.x,DISKINITisusedtocreatedatabaseortransactionlogdevicestostorethespecifieddatabaseortransactionlogwhenDISKINITfollowedeitheraCREATEDATABASEorALTERDATABASEstatementwhileDISKREINITisusedtorestoredeviceentriestoappropriatesystemtableswhenthedeviceentrywasmissingfromsysdevices.InSQLServer2000theCREATEDATABASEandALTERDATABASEstatementsallowforthecreationofseparatedataandlogfiles.BothCREATEDATABASEandALTERDATABASEcreateoperatingsystemfilesanddatabasesinasinglestep.ItisthusrecommendedthatallreferencestoDISKINITshouldberemovedinSQLServer2000andreplacedwithreferencestoeitherCREATEDATABASEorALTERDATABASE.

  • [单选题]Your Windows 2000 Server computer has a 10-GB hard disk with two partitions: Drive C and drive D. Windows 2000 Server is installed on Drive D. Both partitions are formatted as NTFS. Your office experiences a power failure that causes your Windows 2000 Server computer to restart.When the computer is restarting, you receive the following error message "NTLDR is missing. Press any key to restart".
  • 正确答案 :B
  • Start the computer by using Windows 2000 Server computer CD-ROM and choose to repair the installation. Select the Recovery Console and copy the NTLDR file on the CD-ROM to the root of the system partition.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:Theproblemposedinthisscenariocouldarisefromanumberofcauses.ItcouldbethattheNTLDRismissing,orthebootsectoriscorrupt,orthediskisphysicallydamaged.IfweassumethattheproblemcausedbyamissingNTLDR,wecoulduseeithertheEmergencyRepairDisk(ERD)ortheRecoveryConsoletocorrectheproblem.UsingeithertheEmergencyRepairDiskortheRecoveryConsolewewouldattempttocopytheNTLDRfilefromtheWindows2000installationCD-ROMtotherootofthesystempartition,whichcouldsolvethebootproblem.Incorrectanswers:B:Debuggingmodeisaspecialsafemodeoptionthatusedbydeveloperstodebugprograms.ItcannotbeusedrestoretheNTLDR.C:Windows2000doesnotsupportabootablefloppydisk,althoughthefourWindows2000setupdiskscouldbeusedtostartthecomputerinWindows2000.TheRecoveryConsoleortheERDprocessmustbeusedtorestoretheNTLDR.D:TheFileSignatureVerificationutilityisusetotesttheintegrityofdevicedrivers.ItcannotbeusedrestoretheNTLDR.

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