• [单选题]The officer in charge of the engineering watch shall ensure that all machinery involved with the maneuvering of the ship can immediately be placed in the __ of operation when notified that the ship is in congested waters.
  • 正确答案 :A
  • manual mode

  • [单选题]在开敞式港内停泊时,留船值班人员不得少于全船船员的:()
  • 正确答案 :C
  • 2/3

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    推荐科目: 医疗卫生系统人员 医院三基考试 消防员 医药药品职业技能 机械设备维修 石油石化职业技能 乘务员 煤矿安全人员 邮政职业技能鉴定 中国质量协会考试
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