正确答案: D


题目:生态学成为一门独立的学科的原因是由于( )




  • [单选题]下列加点虚词用法相同的两项是 ( )①乃召绰,告之以事,绰即为量定
  • ②④

  • [单选题]Passage FiveIn the United States, it is important to be on time, or punctual, for an appointment, a class, etc. However, this may not be true in all countries. An American professor discovered this difference while teaching a class in a Brazilian (巴西的) university. The two-hour class was scheduled' to begin at 10
  • being on time

  • 解析:

    51.答案为D  根据文章第一句it is important to be on time,or punctual可知punctual的意思是“守时”。

  • [单选题]Cleaners and farmers do ______scientists do.
  • as important work as

  • 解析:47.答案为D  此题为推断题。从第三段中句子We can live without education,but we die if we have no food.和If no one cleaned our streets...we would have terrible diseases in our towns.我们可以推断出清洁工、农民和教授的工作同等重要。

  • [单选题]1798年马尔萨斯出版的一部对“生存竞争”和“物种形成”理论有重要影响的书是( )
  • 《人口论》

  • [单选题]绘画中的画布、画笔、水墨在艺术品的层次结构中属于_________ ( )
  • 物质实在层

  • 推荐下载科目: 高中 初中 成考 自考公共课 考研 法律硕士 教育硕士 在职硕士 自考专业课 小学
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