正确答案: ABE

直通模式 存储转发模式 阻塞模式





  • [单选题]当拓扑信息完成交换,相邻路由器具有相同的LSDB时,下列哪项OSPF邻居状态是希望得到的()
  • FULL

  • [单选题]OSPF的度量值是什么()
  • 链路状态

  • [单选题]常见的LSA有几种类型()
  • 6

  • [单选题]标准访问控制列表的数字标识范围是()。
  • 1-99

  • [单选题]路由器上激活端口的命令是()
  • no shutdown

  • [多选题]Two stations on the Ezonexam LAN transmit at the same time, resulting in a collision. What happens when a collision occurs on the network? (Choose all that apply)
  • A jam signal informs all devices that a collision occurred.

    The devices that are involved in the collision stops transmitting for a short time.

    The collision invokes a random back-off algorithm.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:

  • [多选题]Which of the following steps are necessary in order to add a new VLAN to the Ezonexam switched network? (Select all that apply)
  • Create the VLAN.

    Name the VLAN.

    Add the desired ports to the new VLAN.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:

  • 推荐下载科目: 微软认证 JAVA认证 华为认证 计算机一级 软考高级 软考初级 职称计算机 通信工程师 计算机操作员高级 计算机辅助设计(C
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