正确答案: G

(iii) only

题目:The following statements have been made about life cycle costing:


All of the statements are false except statement (iii).



  • [单选题]8 Which of the following statements about accounting concepts and conventions are correct?
  • (1) The money measurement concept requires all assets and liabilities to be accounted for at historical cost. (2) The substance over form. convention means that the economic substance of a transaction should be reflected in the financial statements, not necessarily its legal form. (3) The realisation concept means that profits or gains cannot normally be recognised in the income statement until realised. (4) The application of the prudence concept means that assets must be understated and liabilities must be overstated in preparing financial statements.

  • 2 and 3

  • 推荐下载科目: 会计试题 初级会计 会计高级职称 国际内审师 注册税务师(CTA) ACCA/CAT 初级统计师 投资分析师(CIIA) 高级经济师 高级统计师
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