正确答案: B

Install Windows Update

题目:You are the administrator of Ezonexam.com's network.Ezonexam has several branch offices. Each branch office has a Windows 2000 Server computer with Service Pack 2 installed. Each branch office also has a technical support department. You want to configure the remote Windows 2000 Server computers so that whenever a new driver becomes available from Microsoft, the branch offices are notified automatically when the administrator logs on to the server.

解析:解析:Explanation: Windows Update is used to upgrade the system files and to retrieve and apply the latest service packs and patches for the operating system. All necessary files are downloaded through the Internet.



  • [单选题]A folder on your Windows 2000 Professional computer contains bitmap files that have been compressed from 2MB to 1MB. You want to copy one of the compressed bitmap files from the hard disk to 1.4-MB floppy disk.When you attempt to copy, you receive the following error message 'Destination drive is Full'.
  • Use another program to compress the bitmap file before copying it to the floppy disk.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: Windows 2000 file compression only works on the NTFS file system. However, floppy disks make use of the FAT file system. When compressed files are copied from an NTFS drive to a FAT or FAT32 drive, the file loses it compressed state and becomes uncompressed. You therefore require another application to compress the bitmap file. You could for example use Winzip, WinRar, WinAce or Micosoft's compress.exe.

  • [单选题]You are upgrading computer1 and computer2 from Windows NT Workstation 4.0 to Windows 2000 Professional. You successfully upgrade computer1. During the upgrade of computer2, a series of power outages interrupts the upgrade.You discover that the upgrade of computer2 is incomplete. Furthermore, you find that computer2 can no longer run Windows NT workstation 4.0. Computer2 does not support booting from the Windows 2000 Professional CD-ROM. You decide to use computer1 to help recover the failed upgrade.
  • On the computer1, run Makebt32.exe from the Bootdisk folder on the Windows 2000 Professional CD-ROM. On computer2, restart the upgrade by using the newly created floppy disks.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: You can create the four setup boot disks by using either makeboot.exe or makebt32.exe. Both are located in the \Bootdisk directory on the Windows 2000 installation CD. These disks can be used to restart the installation process on computer2.

  • [单选题]You are preparing to install Windows 2000 Server on a new computer. The computer is connected to a network that includes Windows 98 computers and Windows 2000 Server computers.You want to install Windows 2000 Server from source files that are located on a server on the network.
  • Start the new computer by using Windows 98 network boot disk. Connect to the network server. Run Winnt.exe.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: To install Windows 2000 Server on a computer from source files that are located in a centralized network location we would have to create a network boot disk that includes DOS drivers for the network adapter. We would have to start the computer using this boot disk and connect to the network share where the source files are located. Finally we would start installation process by using winnt.exe. We must use winnt.exe and not winnt32.exe as the boot disks operate in DOS mode, which works with 16-bit applications. We would thus not be able to use 32-bit applications like winnt32.exe.

  • [单选题]You want to install Windows 2000 Professional on 30 PXE-compliant computers and 35 non-PXE-compliant computers. All 65 computers are included on the current hardware compatibility list (HCL). You create a RIS image. You load the image on the RIS server. You then start the 65 computers.You find that the 30 PXE-Compliant computers can connect to the RIS server.
  • Run Rbfg.exe to create a Non-PXE-compliant startup disk.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: Non-PXE compliant clients need to use a network boot disk to be able to connect to the RIS server. This boot disk can be created using the RBFG.EXE utility (remote boot floppy generator).

  • [单选题]You are a database administrator in the Los Angeles branch office of a specialty foods supplier. A mainframe. database at the headquarters contains all company data. Each branch office contains a SQL Server 2000 computer that imports regional data from the mainframe. database.The server in Los Angeles contains a Data Transformation Services (DTS) package that uses OLE DB to connect to the company's mainframe. database. The DTS package extracts and transforms data about buyers and products for that region. The DTS package then writes the data to the SQL Server database in Los Angeles.
  • On the server in Sydney, install an OLE DB provider for the mainframe. database.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: OLE DB is an API that allows COM applications to use data from OLE DB data sources, which includes data stored in different formats. An application uses an OLE DB provider to access an OLE DB data source. An OLE DB provider is a COM component that accepts calls to the OLE DB API and performs the necessary processing required by request against the data source. In this scenario the OLE DB source is the company's mainframe. database, which contains all company data. As each branch office contains a SQL Server 2000 computer that imports regional data from the mainframe. database, all existing and future branch office SQL Server 2000 servers will require an OLE DB provider to access the company's mainframe. database.

  • [单选题]You want to upgrade a Windows NT Server 4.0 computer to Windows 2000 Server. The system partition uses the FAT file system.You start the Setup program by starting the computer from the Windows 2000 Server CD-ROM.
  • Restart the computer, and then run Winnt32.exe from the Windows NT Server 4.0 environment.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:WhenupgradingearlierversionsofWindowstoWindows2000wemustusewinnt32.exeandmustlaunchitfromwithintheWindowsenvironment.Incorrectanswers:A:Windows2000canbeinstalledorupgradedonadiskorpartitionthatisformattedwiththeFATfilesystem.ThereisthusnoneedtoconvertthefilesystemtoNTFS.B:TheAdvancedConfigurationandPowerInterfaceisusedforpowermanagementanddoesnotaffecttheinstallationorupgradeprocess.ItwouldthusnotbenecessarytodisableACPI.D:ThesetupfloppydisksuseWinnt.exetoinstallWindows2000.WehowevercanonlyusethesetupfloppydiskstoinstallacleancopyofWindows2000onthecomputer.WecannotupgradetheoperatingsystemtoWindows2000usingthesetupfloppydisks.Wemustusewinnt32.exetoupgradeearlierversionsofWindowstoWindows2000.

  • [单选题]From your Windows 2000 Professional computer, you need to map drive G to the default administrative share on drive C of a server named AppSrv.What can you do to map the drive?
  • Run thenet use G: \\AppSrv\C$command.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:Therootofeachvolumeonaharddiskisautomaticallyshared,andthesharenameisthedriveletterappendedwithadollarsign($).Theappendeddollarsigncausesthesharetobehidden.Onemethodofmappingasharetoalogicaldriveistoopenthecommandpromptandtypethecommand:NETUSEdevicename:\\computername\sharename.Inthisscenario,thecommandtranslatestothecommand:netuseG:\\AppSrv\C$IncorrectAnswers:A:Thenetsharecommandisusedtocreatesharesnottoconnecttoexistingsharesonothercomputersinthenetwork.C:ItisnotpossibletobrowsetotheadministrativeshareC$onAppSrvsincethisisahiddenshare.D:ItisnotpossibletobrowsetotheadministrativeshareC$onAppSrvsincethisisahiddenshare.

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