正确答案: C

Install service pack four or later in Windows NT Workstation.

题目:You want to configure a multiboot system with Windows NT Workstation and Windows 2000 Professional.What should you do?

解析:解析:Explanation: In this scenario a computer should be configured for a dual boot between Windows NT Workstation and Windows 2000 Professional. Windows 2000 Professional uses the NTFS 5.0 file system while Windows NT Workstation 4.0 uses the NTFS 4.0 file system. Windows NT Workstation requires Service Pack 4 or later to be able to use the NTFS 5.0 file system.



  • [单选题]You are the administrator of a Windows NT Server 4.0 computer named Ezonexam1. Ezonexam1 is a backup domain controller (BDC), and a member of Ezonexam.com's Windows 2000 Active Directory domain. Ezonexam1 contains five hard disks. Disk 0 and 1 are configured as a Windows NT 4.0 mirror set.The mirror set contains the operating system files and 500 MB of free disk space. Disk 2, 3 and 4 are configured as a Windows NT 4.0 stripe set with parity and contain employee data files. The Windows NT 4.0 stripe set with parity has a maximum capacity of 140 GB and contains 15 GB of free disk space.
  • Upgrade Ezonexam1 to Windows 2000 Server. During the upgrade, select the option to make Ezonexam1 a domain controller. After the upgrade is complete, demote Ezonexam1.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: We upgrade Ezonexam1. We have no choice that the upgraded Windows 2000 Server will be a domain controller. We are then able to use the dcpromo.exe utility to remove the Active Directory and demote the Domain controller to a member server.

  • [单选题]You need to create a web share on your Windows 2000 Professional computer named Admin01. You create a folder named reports. Then you configure web sharing on Reports. You name the share WebReports and allow Read permissions on the share.You test the web share by pointing to http://admin01/WebReports from another computer. You receive the following error message, 'You are not authorized to view this page.'
  • In the IIS console, enable anonymous access to WebReports.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: The proper NTFS permissions, read permission, have already been granted. To access the folder through Internet Explorer the folder must be published in Internet Information Services (IIS), and authentication through IIS must be provided. By enabling anonymous access in the IIS console the folder would be accessible through Internet Explorer.

  • [单选题]Exhibit:UPDATE EzonexamConsolidated
  • To enable updates on the composite tables create an INSTEAD OF trigger on the view.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:SQLServer2000usesINSTEADOFtriggersandpartitionedviewstoenhancetheclassofupdateableviews.INSTEADOFtriggerscanbecreatedonaviewinordertomakeaviewupdateable.TheINSTEADOFtriggerisexecutedinsteadofthedatamodificationstatementonwhichthetriggerisdefined.Thistriggerallowstheusertospecifythesetofactionsthatneedtotakeplaceinordertoprocessthedatamodificationstatement.Thus,ifanINSTEADOFtriggerexistsforaviewonagivendatamodificationstatement,thecorrespondingviewisupdateablethroughthatstatement.Iftheviewisapartitionedview,theviewisupdateable,subjecttocertainrestrictions.IncorrectAnswers:A:Creatingatablethatcombinesthecompositetablesthattheviewisbasedonwoulddenyustheabilitytousetheviewtoreturnaggregatedcolumnvalues.B:Theerrormessageisnotrelatedtopermissionsbuttotheupdateableofthetable.D:CascadingreferentialintegrityconstraintsmakesitpossibletodefinetheactionsSQLServer2000takeswhenauserattemptstodeleteorupdateakeytowhichexistingforeignkeyspoint.CascadingreferentialintegrityconstraintsfireAFTERtriggersafterallofthecascadingreferentialactionsdirectlycausedbytheoriginalDELETEorUPDATEareperformed.

  • [单选题]You are the administrator of a network that consists of Windows 2000 Server Computers and Windows 2000 Professional computers.You want to configure the deployment of the most recent Windows 2000 Service pack so that users of the Windows 2000 Professional Computers receive the service pack automatically when they log on to the domain.
  • Create a Microsoft Windows installer package for the service pack. Configure the package in a group policy.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:TodeploythemostrecentWindows2000ServicepacksothatusersoftheWindows2000Professionalcomputersreceivetheservicepackautomaticallywhentheylogontothedomain,wemustcreateanduseaWindowsInstallerpackageandapplyitthroughaGroupPolicy.Incorrectanswers:A:Windowsinstallerpackagesshouldbedeployedbygrouppolicies.RIS,RemoteInstallationServices,isusedtoremotelyinstallWindows2000Professional.C:Ifwedeploytheinstallerpackagewithalocalpolicywewouldhavetomanuallyconfigurethepolicyonallclients.ThiscouldrequireconsiderableadministrativeeffortD:DFSisusedtoorganizenetworkfolders,nottodeployupdatesofapplications.

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