• [单选题]You copy the contents of the Windows 2000 Professional CD to a shared network folder named \\Server1\Win2000p. You use the shared folder to perform. over-the-network installations of Windows 2000 Professional on new computers purchased by your company.You receive a Windows 2000 Service Pack CD. You apply the Service Pack to Server1 and to the \\Server1\Win2000p folder.
  • 正确答案 :D
  • Select the Uninstall option.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: The service pack that has been applied, or slipstreamed, to the installation files and cannot be unapplied. You thus have to replace the installation files in the network share with the original Windows 2000 installation files.

  • [单选题]You are the administrator of Ezonexam.com's network.Ezonexam has several branch offices. Each branch office has a Windows 2000 Server computer with Service Pack 2 installed. Each branch office also has a technical support department. You want to configure the remote Windows 2000 Server computers so that whenever a new driver becomes available from Microsoft, the branch offices are notified automatically when the administrator logs on to the server.
  • 正确答案 :B
  • Install Windows Update

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: Windows Update is used to upgrade the system files and to retrieve and apply the latest service packs and patches for the operating system. All necessary files are downloaded through the Internet.

  • [单选题]Ezonexam has 50 offices. The employees in these offices have limited knowledge of Windows 2000. Each office has a network of between five and 20 client computers. The office networks are connected to each other. The company is buying 50 identical computers to run Windows 2000 Server in these offices. The server must be installed to the company's standard configuration. You use Setup Manager to create a network shared distribution folder and a Unattend.txt file that specifies the company's standard configuration.You want to automate the installation process as much as possible, in the least possible amount of time.
  • 正确答案 :C
  • Create a Microsoft MS-DOS network boot disk that makes a connection to the network shared distribution folder and runs the winnt command with the /s and /u switches. Instruct an employee at each office to start the installation by using this disk.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:Winntandnotwinnt32asthebootdisksoperateinDOSmodeandworkswith16-bitapplications.The/s:pathswitchspecifiesthelocationoftheinstallationfilesforWindows2000Server.The/u:fileswitchspecifiesthelocationoftheanswerfileforunattendedinstallationsandthenumberofsecondstowaitbetweencopyingthefilesandrestartingthecomputer.SincetheemployeeshavelimitedknowledgeinsofarasWindows2000isconcerned,itwouldbebesttomakeuseofthewinntcommand-linewiththeabovementionedswitches.Incorrectanswers:A:ThisoptionpresupposesthattheemployeeswhowillbetaskedwiththeinstallationhaveasoundknowledgeofWindows2000.C,D:ThisoptionwouldbeproblematicsincetheemployeeshavelimitedknowledgewhenitcomestoWindows2000.

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