正确答案: D



解析:解析:如果事实上已经在市场销售的其他转基因的水果并没有给人直接的危害,那么,人们对转基因副作用的担忧就没有太大必要了,这就显然有利于推广这种转基因的新品种水果。因此, D项为正确答案。



  • [单选题]● 下面关于知识管理的叙述中,正确的包括(34)①扁平化组织结构设计有利于知识在组织内部的交流
  • ①③

  • 解析:试题(34)分析

  • [多选题]试题(71)~(75)The software architecture is a set of software components, subsystems, relationships, interactions, the properties of each of these elements, and the set of guiding principles that together constitute the fundamental properties and constraints of a software system or set of systems. (71) defines a general set of element types and their interactions. The examples include Pipes and Filters, Model-View-Controller, and Reflection. A (72) in software architecture is a representation used to understand or document one or more aspects of a problem or solution. Architecture is usually used in conjunction with many adjunct terms. The (73) defines the key strategies, organization, goals and related processes of the enterprise. At the enterprise level, the (74) may be more of a set of guidelines on how the various software architectures should be constructed consistently across the enterprise. The (75), which describes the high-level set of elements involved in application from a particular domain along with their interactions, is often used to focus on subsystem definition rather than application process level definition.
  • Architectural pattern

    Architectural description

    Architectural view

    Architectural viewpoint





    enterprise architecture

    technical architecture

    infrastructure architecture

    business architecture

    enterprise architecture

    data architecture

    application architecture

    information architecture

    product-line architecture

    reference architecture

    technology architecture

    infrastructure architecture

  • 解析:参考译文

  • [单选题]数据仓库解决方案常常用来实现(22)。
  • 企业决策信息的挖掘和提取

  • 解析:解析:数据仓库(Data Warehouse,DW)是一个面向主题的、集成的、相对稳定的、反映历史变化的数据集合,用于支持管理决策。构建数据仓库是为企业决策者作出战略决策提供信息,用户访问数据仓库的工具有报表和查询工具、应用程序开发工具、执行信息系统(EIS)工具、联机分析处理(OLAP)工具、数据挖掘工具。数据仓库解决方案常常用来实现企业决策信息的挖掘和提取。

  • [单选题]不是MPEG-7 中定义的内容。
  • 多媒体对象中的目标识别与特征提取

  • 解析:解析:MPEG-7 是由运动图像专家组(MPEG)制定的多媒体内容描述接口标准,其目的是制定一套描述符标准,用来描述各种类型的多媒体信息及它们之间的关系,以便更快更有效地检索信息。这些媒体材料可包括静态图像、图形、3D 模型、声音、话音、电视以及在多媒体演示中它们之间的组合关系。在某些情况下,数据类型还可以包括面部特性和个人特性的表达。在MPEG-7 处理链中包含3个高度抽象的过程:特征抽取、标准描述和检索工具。其中,特征抽取和检索工具都不包含在MPEG-7 标准中,而是留给大家去竞争,以便得到最后的算法和工具。

  • [单选题]是用来唯一确定项目工作分解结构的每一个单元的。
  • 编码

  • 解析:解析:编码是用宋唯一确定项目工作分解结构(WBS)的每一个单元的。

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