[单选题]Even if it ______ this afternoon, I will go there.
正确答案 :C
[单选题]When the manager told her that she was the lucky customer, Mrs. White would be ______.
正确答案 :C
rather sad
[单选题]What should you do ff your child is under six years old?
正确答案 :D
You should ask the doctor for advice.
解析:解析:本题的依据句为“For children under six years old consult your doctor.” consult your doctor=ask your doctor for advice,与D选项意思一致。其他选项内容属于错误信息。
[单选题]Wendy: Have you been to the new bakery on the corner? Arthur: No, how is it? Wendy: It is heaven ! ______ !
正确答案 :C
Their cakes are to die for
解析:解析:从对话语境和供选答案看,Wendy是想说“那里的蛋糕好吃得不得了”。符合习惯的表达只能是Their cakes are to die for!(to die for something = to be eager to have something)。
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