• [单选题]You are the network administrator for Ezonexam. You are planning to upgrade 35 Windows NT Server 4.0 computers to Windows 2000 Server. You want to accomplish the upgrades by using a distribution server. The Windows NT Server 4.0 computers support a tight production schedule that requires them to be online from 8:00
  • 正确答案 :D
  • Perform. an unattended installation by running the winnt32 command and specify the use of a .txt file and a uniqueness database file.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: Performing an unattended installation from a distribution server will work since the upgrade must be done in non-business hours.

  • [单选题]You need to install Windows 2000 Professional on 300 computers for a customer company called Ezonexam. The computers have different manufacturers and different hardware abstraction layers (HALs). You plan to use a Windows 2000 Server computer running Remote Installation Services (RIS) to perform. the installation.After the installation is complete for the first 25 computers, users of those computers report problems. You discover that the latest Windows 2000 service pack resolves those problems.
  • 正确答案 :E
  • Slipstream the service pack into a new i386 distribution shared folder, and then run the Risetup command to create a new CD-based image for the RIS server.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:YoucanuseRisetup.exetocreateaCD-ROM-basedRISimagewithaservicepackslipstreamed.Thisistheprocedure:1.CopythecontentsoftheWindows2000ProfessionalCD-ROMtoasharedfolderonaserver(oralocalfolderontheRISserver).2.FromtheWindows2000servicepacksourcefiles,runtheupdate-s:foldercommandtoslipstreamthesourcefileswiththeservicepack.3.Whentheslipstreamingprocessisfinished,runRisetup.exeontheRISservertoaddanewimagetotheserver.Whenyouarepromptedforthelocationofthefiles,typethepathtotheslipstreamedshareyoucreatedinsteps1and2.IncorrectAnswersA:Thisproposedsolutionwouldnotworkbecausethecomputershavedifferenthardware.Forthisreason,wemustuseaCD-basedimage.B:WearegoingtoinstallWindows2000Professionalcomputers;wecannotuseaRISimageofaWindows2000ServercomputerC:JustcopyingtheServicePacktotheCD-basedimagesharedfolderwouldnotapplyit.

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