正确答案: A


题目:Most frequently used algorithm for page replacement is




  • [单选题]八进制1326变为十进制数的表达式为
  • 1×83+3×82+5×81+7×80+2×8-1+6×8-2

  • [单选题]In developing a hospital database, it is determined that on the average, each patient will have 6 treatments during a hospital stay.The average length of a stay is three days.The hospital has 1000 beds.There are on the average 800 patients occupying beds each day.The relationship between PATIENT and TREATMENT is 1: M.The relationship between PATIENT and BED is 1:1, conditional.If treatment record occurrences are archived as soon as a patient is discarded from the hospital, how many occurrences of the TREATMENT records will be stored in the TREATMENT database file on the average?
  • 1,600

  • [单选题]设有两个事务Tl和T2,它们的并发操作如下所示,则正确的结论是一——。Tl T2
  • 丢失修改

  • 解析:解析:向DB回写S后再次向DB回写s,属于“写后写”。丢失修改。

  • [单选题]用户可以对数据库中的数据进行查询、插入、删除和更新,体现了数据库管理系统的哪种功能?______。
  • 数据操纵功能

  • [单选题]在大型企业的数据库应用系统中,联机事务处理(OLTP)和联机分析处理(OLAP)是常见的数据管理与数据分析形式。关于OLTP和OLAP,一般情况下,下列说法正确的是______。
  • OLTP要求系统必须具有很高的响应速度,而OLAP对系统响应速度的要求较为宽松

  • [单选题]蓝牙系统的跳频速率是( )。
  • 1600次/s

  • [单选题]在“我的电脑”或“资源管理器”中使用鼠标同时选中多个不连续的文件时,需要按住()。
  • Shift

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