正确答案: A

Configure an ADM template and add the template to the GPO.

题目:You are the administrator responsible for security and user desktop settings on your network. You need to configure a custom registry entry for all users. You want to add the custom registry entry into a Group Policy object (GPO) with the least amount of administrative effort.What should you do?

解析:解析:Explanation: It is recommended that we should use the supplied Administrative Templates where possible. Administrative Templates propagate registry settings to a large number of computers without requiring us to have detailed knowledge of the registry. However, the administrator can create custom .adm files if the supplied templates are inadequate. In Windows 2000, we use Group Policy to set registry-based policies. In Windows NT 4.0, we used the System Policy Editor (Poledit.exe) to set System Policy.



  • [单选题]You want to upgrade 150 computers from Windows NT Workstation 4.0 to Windows 2000 Professional.You create an Unattend.txt file by using Setup Manager. You copy the file to a floppy disk.
  • Rename Unattend.txt on the floppy disk to Winnt.sif.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: When booting the computer from the CD-ROM, and then using an answer file from a floppy disk, the answer file must be named Winnt.sif.

  • [多选题]You are installing Windows 2000 Server on a new computer that has a single 10-GB SCSI disk. The disk controller is not included on the current Hardware Compatibility List (HCL). You start the computer by using the Windows 2000 Server CD-ROM.When the computer restarts at the end of the text mode portion of Windows 2000 setup, you receive the following STOP error: "INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE."
  • Restart the Windows 2000 Setup by using the Windows 2000 Server CD-ROM.

    Install a driver for the SCSI controller from a floppy disk.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: To solve the problem posed in this scenario we must restart the Windows 2000 installation process and supply the correct SCSI driver. We cannot use Device Manager or Safe Mode at this stage since Windows 2000 is not installed yet. We must press F6 when Setup prompts us to do so. We must then press F6 again to supply the driver for a mass storage controller to the Windows 2000 Setup program.

  • [单选题]You are the administrator of your company's network. An employee named Mark is leaving the company. A new employee named Eric has been hired to replace him.Mark has a local user account on a Windows 2000 Professional computer. Mark has rights to multiple files and folders on the computer.
  • Rename Mark's user account to Eric and change the account password.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: A user account and the permission and rights attached to them can easily be transferred to another user by renaming the account and changing the password. By renaming Mark's user account and by changing the password, Eric will have the same rights and permissions as Mark had, and Mark will not be able to use his old account. This provides the solution with least amount of administrative effort.

  • [单选题]You are the administrator of a SQL Server 2000 computer. The server contains confidential information about contracts on which your company has placed bids.Company policy requires that bid information be removed permanently from the database one year after the bid closes. You need to comply with this policy and minimize server overhead.
  • Create a stored procedure to delete any bids that have a closing data order than one year. Use SQL server agent to schedule the stored procedure to run every night.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:Thisscenariorequiresustoremoveoldinformationonaregularbasis.Firstwecreateastoredprocedurewhichremovesallrowswherethebidinformationdateisolderthanthecurrentdateminusoneyear.Thenweschedulethisproceduretoruneveryday.Wewouldthenbesuretoneverhaveanyrowsolderthanayearinthetable.Note:Storedproceduresalsoimproveperformanceasthestoredprocedureiscachedafteritisrun.ThisresultsinareductionofphysicalI/O.WecanfurtherreduceServeroverheadbyschedulingthestoredproceduretorunduringoff-peakhours.IncorrectAnswers:A:ADataTransformationServices(DTS)packageprovidesasetoftoolsthatallowsustoextract,transform,andconsolidatedatastoredinavarietyofformatsandindifferentlocationsintosingleormultipledestinationssupportedbyDTSconnectivity.Thissolutionisinappropriate,asthedataexistsontheserverandnotinnumerouslocationsandwouldthusbecorrectlyformattedforuseonaninstanceSQLServer2000.B:TriggersareaspecialtypeofstoredprocedurethatexecutesautomaticallywhenanUPDATE,INSERT,orDELETEstatementisrunagainstatableorview.Inthisscenariohowever,thedatestampofthedatainthedatabasemustbecheckedandthedatadeletedoneyearafterthebidhasclosed.Thiscannotbeaccomplishedthroughtheuseofconstraintsortriggers.D:Creatingaviewthatexcludesthebidsthathaveaclosingdateolderthanoneyeardoesnotaddressthecompanypolicythatrequiresthatbidinformationberemovedpermanentlyfromthedatabaseoneyearafterthebidcloses.Thisdatawillstillexistinthebasetables.

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