正确答案: C

compression must be low to prevent pre-ignition

题目:Which of the following reasons represents why the designed compression ratio of a gasoline engine is lower than that of a diesel engine?




  • [单选题]Dry powder is used to put out ________
  • electrical fire

  • [单选题]The ship security officer shall have knowledge and have received training, taking into account the guidance given in Part B of ____ .
  • the ISPS Code

  • [单选题]饮水在保管良好的情况下能保存:
  • 40~60天

  • [单选题]救生艇的长度规定为:
  • 大于7.5M、小于8.5M

  • 推荐下载科目: 银行岗位 月嫂/母婴护理师 海船船员 内河船员 特种作业人员 生活照料服务类 测绘职业技能鉴定 文化教育职业技能 操作工技能鉴定 公路交通技工人员
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