• [单选题]You have 17GB of private files on drive D on your Windows 2000 Professional computer. You have shared the files as private_files. You do not want other users to see this share name in the browse list.You want all other share names to continue to appear in the browser list.What should you do?
  • 正确答案 :C
  • Change the share name to private_files$.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: By appending a dollar sign to the end of the share name, the share is hidden and the folder will not be shown in any browse list. Only users who know the folder name can gain access to it if they also possess the proper permissions to it.

  • [单选题]You are the administrator of a Windows 2000 network. Your network includes 75 Windows NT Workstation 4.0 computers. You are adding 50 new PXE-compliant computers to the network. The hardware on each computer is configured identically.You are using a RIS image to deploy Windows 2000 Professional to the 50 computers. You successfully install Windows 2000 Professional on the first 10 computers. However, you cannot install Windows 2000 Professional on remaining 40 computers.
  • 正确答案 :B
  • Configure the DHCP scope to add additional IP addresses.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: RIS requires Active Directory, DNS and DHCP. The clients can either be PXE-compliant or they can use a Remote boot diskette. In this scenario, the DHCP server has run out of IP-addresses. By extending the scope by 40 IP addresses the installation on the remaining computers will be successful.

  • [单选题]You are the administrator of a new Microsoft Windows 2000 server computer named HQSQL5. HQSQL5 is a member server in your company's Windows NT 4.0 domain, which is named HQMAIN.After installing SQL Server 2000 on HQSQL5, you configure the MSSQLServer service account to use the HQMAIN\sqladmin user account, which is a member of the local administrators group on HQSQL5.
  • 正确答案 :E
  • Grant Log on as a service rights to the HQMAIN\sqladmin user account.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: On Windows NT and Windows 2000 operating systems, SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server Agent are started and run as Windows services. Windows services require ‘Log on as a service’ rights, which allow a security principal to log on as a service, as a way of establishing a security context. The Local System account on the Windows computer always retains the right to log on as a service. Any service that runs under a separate account must be granted this right.

  • [单选题]You are the administrator of a SQL server computer. The server is running SQL Server 6.5 and SQL Server 7.0.You install a named instance of SQL Server 2000, and then run the SQL server upgrade wizard. On the database selection screen, some of the SQL Server 6.5 databases are not listed.
  • 正确答案 :F
  • Uninstall SQL Server 2000, and then reinstall SQL Server 2000 as the default instance.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:ToruntheSQLServerUpgradeWizard,youmusthaveadefaultinstanceofMicrosoftSQLServer2000installedonyourcomputer.IncorrectAnswers:A:ItisnotnecessarytouninstallSQLServer7.0.JustinstallSQLServer2000asthedefaultinstance.WecannotruntheSQLServerupgradewizardunlessSQLServer2000isinstalled.B:ToruntheSQLServerUpgradeWizard,youmusthaveadefaultinstanceofMicrosoftSQLServer2000installedonyourcomputer.C:WewanttoensurethattheSQLServer6.5databasesarelistedintheSQLServer2000installationwizard.TocreateDTStransformationpackagesthatupgradeSQLServer6.5databaseestoSQLServer2000databaseswemustinstallSQLServer2000first.

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