正确答案: D

The project scope statement

题目:( ) describes, in detail, the project’ s deliverables and the work required to create those deliverables.




  • [单选题]● 在网上支付过程中,支付指令送到 (23) 之前,是在Internet上传送的。
  • 支付网关 B. 客户开户行

  • [单选题]●在CPU中用于跟踪指令地址的寄存器是 (1)。(1)
  • 程序计数器(P

  • [单选题]●按照802.1d 生成树协议(STP),在交换机互连的局域网中, (61)的交换机被选为根交换机。
  • ID最小的

  • [单选题]●若二维数组arr[1..M,1..N】的首地址为base,数组元素按列存储且每个元素占用K个存储单元,则元素arr[i,j]在该数组空间的地址为 (21)。(21)
  • base+((j-1)*M+i-1)*K

  • [单选题]
  • B. 网状数据库 C. 层次数据库 D. 面向对象数据库

  • 面向对象数据库

  • [单选题]The growth of switching has(135)a new generation of network management tools that help(136)cope with the challenges,(137)them to correlate device alarms in order to(138)pinpoint root causes, or to monitor service levels without depending on IP subnet schemes. These new tools have become essential to coping with the primary(139)effect of any treatment that significantly increases network flexibility: added complexity.
  • created

  • 推荐下载科目: 计算机三级 软考中级 思科认证 Linux认证 JAVA认证 华为认证 计算机一级 软考高级 职称计算机 LTE认证
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