正确答案: D

An additional broadcast domain will be created.

题目:A Ezonexam switch is configured with all ports assigned to VLAN 2. In addition, all ports are configured as full-duplex FastEthernet. What is the effect of adding switch ports to a new VLAN on this switch?




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  • 如果某路由器优先级比DR优先级高,但启动晚,它会抢占原来的DR自己成为DR

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  • 静态路由

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  • 解析:解析:Explanation:

  • [单选题]You have a class C network, and you need to design it for 5 usable subnets with each subnet handling a minimum of 18 hosts each. Which of the following network masks should you use?

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:ThedefaultsubnetmaskforclassCnetworkis255.255.255.0.Ifonehastocreate5subnets,then3bitsarerequired.With3bitswecancreate8subnets.Theremaining5bitsareusedforHosts.Onecancreate30hostsusing5bitsinhostfield.Thismatcheswiththerequirement.IncorrectAnswers:A,B:ThisisanillegalsubnetmaskforaclassCnetwork,asthethirdoctetcannotbedividedwhenusingaclassCnetwork.C:ThisisthedefaultsubnetmaskforaclassCnetwork.Itprovidesforonenetwork,with254usablehostIPaddresses.E:Thissubnetmaskwillprovidefor14separatenetworkswith14hostseach.Thisdoesnotmeettherequirementofaminimumof18hosts.

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