• [多选题]You are the network administrator for Ezonexam. The network consists of a single Active Directory domain Ezonexam.com. All network servers run Windows Server 2000.Your network includes a shared folder named EzonexamDocs. This folder must not be visible in a browse list.
  • 正确答案 :EF
  • Change the share name to EzonexamDocs .

    Change the share name to EzonexamDocs $.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: Appending a dollar sign ($) to a share name hides the share. A share that is followed by a dollar sign ($) indicates that the share is hidden from view when users access utilities such as My Network Places and browse network resources.

  • [单选题]You configure a Group Policy Object for the Marketing organizational unit (OU) to prevent users from accessing My Network Places and from running System in Control Panel. You want the Managers domain local group to be able to access My Network Places, but you still want to prevent them from running System in Control Panel.What should you do?
  • 正确答案 :D
  • Create a second GPO in the OU. Add the managers group to the access control list. Allow the managers group to read and apply the group policy. Disable the permission of the authenticated user group to read and apply the group policy. Configure the new GPO to allow access to My Network Places. Give the new GPO a higher priority than the original GPO.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:InthisscenarioweneedtocreateasecondGPOandapplyitonlytotheManagers.WemustallowaccesstoMyNetworkPlacesinthenewGPO.ThenwegivetheGPOhigherprioritythantheoriginalone.Incorrectanswers:A:WestillrequiretheoriginalGPOtoapplytothemanagers,aswewanttopreventthemfromrunningSysteminControlPanel.ThereforeweshouldnotdisablethepermissionofthemanagersgrouptoreadandapplytheGroupPolicy,asthiswillresultintheGPOnotbeingappliedtotheManagers.B:WestillrequiretheoriginalGPOtoapplytothemanagers,aswewanttopreventthemfromrunningSysteminControlPanel.ThereforeweshouldnotdenythepermissionofthemanagersgrouptoreadandapplytheGroupPolicy,asthiswillresultintheGPOnotbeingappliedtotheManagers.C:WeneedtoallowtheManagersaccesstoMyNetworkPlaces.ThatmustbeconfiguredinthesecondGPO.

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