正确答案: E

Slipstream the service pack into a new i386 distribution shared folder, and then run the Risetup command to create a new CD-based image for the RIS server.

题目:You need to install Windows 2000 Professional on 300 computers for a customer company called Ezonexam. The computers have different manufacturers and different hardware abstraction layers (HALs). You plan to use a Windows 2000 Server computer running Remote Installation Services (RIS) to perform. the installation.After the installation is complete for the first 25 computers, users of those computers report problems. You discover that the latest Windows 2000 service pack resolves those problems.




  • [单选题]Your network includes Windows 98 computers and Windows 2000 Server computers. You are adding a new computer to the network, and you plan to install Windows 2000 Server on the new computer. The computer has one 20-GB hard disk with no partitions defined.The Windows 2000 Server CD-ROM is unavailable. You want install Windows 2000 Server from source files that are located on a server on the network. You also want the entire hard disk of the new computer to be used for the system partition.
  • Start the new computer by using a Windows 98 network boot disk. Create and format a single FAT32 partition. Connect to the network server. Run Winnt.exe.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: To install Windows 2000 Server on computers from source files that are located on a centralized network share we would have to connect to the network share from the the computers. If the computers do not have PXE-compliant network cards we would have to make a network boot disk that the computers can use connect to the network share. We would start the installation process by using winnt with /s /u /udf switches. We must use winnt and not winnt32 as the boot disks operate in DOS mode, which works with 16-bit applications. We would thus not be able to use 32-bit applications like winnt32.

  • [单选题]You are the administrator of Ezonexam.com's Windows 2000 network.Your computer is configured to use both Windows 2000 Professional and Windows NT Workstation 4.0 Service Pack 3. Your computer has three hard disks: Disk 0, Disk1, and Disk2. Windows NT Workstation 4.0 is installed on Disk 0. Windows 2000 Professional is installed on Disk1. You want to store your project files on Disk2. You configure Disk2 as a basic volume and format the volume as NTFS in Windows 2000 Professional. You then start Windows NT Workstation 4.0. You find that you cannot access your project files.
  • Upgrade Windows NT Workstation 4.0 to Service Pack 4 or later.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: Windows 2000 Professional uses the NTFS 5.0 file system while Windows NT Workstation 4.0 uses the NTFS 4.0 file system. Windows NT Workstation requires Service Pack 4 or later to be able to use the NTFS 5.0 file system.

  • [多选题]You are the administrator of a SQL Server 2000 computer. The server contains your company's order processing database. Two-hundred operators take orders by telephone 24 hours a day. Threehundred data entry personnel enter data from orders received by mail.To ensure that order data will not be lost, your company's disaster recovery policy requires that backups be written to tape. Copies of these tapes must be stored at an off-site company location. Orders must be entered into the database before they can be filled. If the server fails, you must be able to recover the order data as quickly as possible.
  • Perform. a combination of full database, differential, and transaction log backups.

    Back up the data to a network share, and then use enterprise backup software to write the disk backups to tape.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:

  • [单选题]You are the administrator of a Windows 2000 Professional computer that has a shared printer. Several departments in your company use the shared printer.The Sales department frequently prints multiple-page presentation graphics, which take a long time to print. Users in other departments who have short messages to print must wait an unnecessarily long time for their jobs to print.
  • Configure the priority of the printer to 50. Add a new printer, and set the priority to 99. For the new printer, deny print permissions for users in the Sales department.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: The Sales department has long-running printing jobs that are blocking the print device for long periods of time. In order to give the other departments' print jobs higher priority than the Sales department's print jobs, we create a new printer with higher priority. We deny print permission for the Sales department on the new printer.

  • [单选题]You want to upgrade 400 computers from Windows 95 to Windows 2000 Professional. Most of the computers in your company use the same hardware. However, several different peripheral devices are used throughout the company.You want to verify that the hardware in use is compatible with Windows 2000 Professional. You want to accomplish this with least amount of administrative effort.
  • Use Setup Manager to create a Setup.inf file. Add the entryReportOnly=Yes to the [Win9xUpg] section of the answer file. RunWinnt32.exe /Unattended:Setup.infon all of the different computer configurations.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: Winnt32.exe /unattended:setup.inf will start an unattended installation using the answer file setup.inf. When ReportOnly=Yes is added in the [Win9xUpg] section of the answer file, the installation only generates an upgrade report and then exits without making any changes to the current Windows 95 or Windows 98 installation. The upgrade report contains a list of hardware and software incompatibilities and is saved to the root of the system drive if the SaveReportTo key is not specified.

  • [单选题]You are the administrator of your company's network. An employee named Mark is leaving the company. A new employee named Eric has been hired to replace him.Mark has a local user account on a Windows 2000 Professional computer. Mark has rights to multiple files and folders on the computer.
  • Rename Mark's user account to Eric and change the account password.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: A user account and the permission and rights attached to them can easily be transferred to another user by renaming the account and changing the password. By renaming Mark's user account and by changing the password, Eric will have the same rights and permissions as Mark had, and Mark will not be able to use his old account. This provides the solution with least amount of administrative effort.

  • [单选题]You are the administrator of a SQL Server 2000 database. Using the default options configures the database. You drop indexes to facilitate a large import of data, and rebuild them after the import is complete.Users report that response times from a stored procedure have become slower. In the stored procedure, you examine the following code.
  • Recompile the stored procedure.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:ByrecompilingthestoredprocedureSQLServerwillcreateanewexecutionplanforthestatementsintheprocedure.SQLServerwilldetectthatstatisticsarenotuptodateanditwillautomaticallyrecreatethestatisticsduringthisprocess.Theexecutionplanwillbeoptimizedforthecurrentdistributionofdatainthetables.Note:Storedprocedurescanbeusedtoimprovedatabasequeryperformance.IftheseSQLstatementsandconditionallogicarewrittenintoastoredprocedure,theybecomepartofasingleexecutionplanthatiscachedontheserver.Whenthedatabaseischangedbytheadditionofnewindexesorwhendatainindexedcolumnsarechanged,theoriginalqueryplansandstoredproceduresusedtoaccessthetablesshouldbereoptimizedbyrecompilingthem.ThisoptimizationhappensautomaticallythefirsttimeastoredprocedureisrunafterSQLServer2000isrestarted.Italsooccursifanunderlyingtableusedbythestoredprocedurechanges.Butifanewindexisaddedfromwhichthestoredproceduremightbenefit,optimizationdoesnotautomaticallyoccuruntilthenexttimethestoredprocedureisrunafterSQLServerisrestarted.Thestoredprocedurecanbemanuallyrecompiledbyusingthesp_recompilesystemstoredprocedure.Thisforcesthestoredproceduretoberecompiledthenexttimeitisrun.IncorrectAnswers:B:SQLServerdetectswhetherstatisticsarenotup-to-date,andbydefaultitautomaticallyupdatesthemduringqueryoptimization.Byrecompilingthequerythestatisticswillautomaticallybeupdated.Note:SQLServerkeepsstatisticsaboutthedistributionofthekeyvaluesineachindexandusesthesestatisticstodeterminewhichindex(es)touseinqueryprocessing.Queryoptimizationdependsontheaccuracyofthedistributionsteps.Ifthereissignificantchangeinthekeyvaluesintheindex,orifalargeamountofdatainanindexedcolumnhasbeenadded,changed,orremoved,orthetablehasbeentruncatedandthenrepopulated,UPDATESTATISTICSshouldbererun.C:Consistencyofadatabaseismaintainedthroughtheuseofconstraintsandtriggers.Thesemechanismsareusedtoensurethatthedatabaseremainsconsistentbycontrollingthetypeofdatathatcanbeinsertedintoacolumn,throughreferentialintegritychecks,andthroughcascadingreferentialconstraints.D:Aviewisavirtualtablethatcanbeusedtorestrictusersaccesstothebasetable,ortojoinvariousbasetablessothattheyappearasasingletable.However,creatingaviewthatthestoredproceduremustaccesswouldrequirethecreationofindexesontheviewandwillhavetobeupdatedwhenthebasetablesareupdates.Thiswouldrequiregreateradministrativeeffort.

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