• [单选题]You are the administrator of two Microsoft Windows 2000 advanced server computers. On these servers, you are configuring a database that will store accounting information for your company.The data must be available at all times. Interruptions in data connectivity should not last longer than five minutes. Any changes to the database should not require you to reconfigure the client computers.
  • 正确答案 :B
  • Configure the database on the two servers as a SQL Server 2000 cluster.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: SQL Server 2000 failover clustering provides high availability support by allowing us to configure one failover cluster to automatically, with no manual configuration, fail over to any other node in the failover cluster configuration. In this way, we minimize system downtime and provide high server availability during an operating system failure or a planned upgrade. Before SQL Server 2000 failover clustering can be set up, we must install Windows NT 4.0, Enterprise Edition, Windows 2000 Advanced Server or Windows 2000 Datacenter Server, and the Microsoft Cluster Service (MSCS).

  • [单选题]You are the administrator of the Coho Vineyard network. The network consists of 10 Windows 2000 Advanced Server computers and 250 Windows 2000 Professional computers.Your company has two domains cohovineyard.com and westcoastsales.com.
  • 正确答案 :D
  • Add cohovineyard.com to the Domain Suffix Search Order on the computers.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: ServerA is located in the domain cohovineyard.com. If you add cohovineyard.com to the domain suffix then http://ServerA will translate to http://ServerA.cohovineyard.com, which would resolve this problem. This configuration can be done by opening TCP/IP properties, selecting the Advanced button, selecting the DNS tab, selecting 'Append these DNS Suffixes (inorder)', selecting Add, and entering cohovineyard.com

  • [单选题]You are upgrading a computer from Windows 98 to Windows 2000 Professional. The computer is a 400-Mhz Pentium III, and has 128 MB of RAM and a 10-GB hard disk. You are performing the installation by using the Windows 2000 Professional CD-ROM. After the text mode installation portion is complete, you restart the computer. The BIOS virus checker on your computer indicates you're your computer is infected with a Master Boot Record virus.What should you do before you continue the installation?
  • 正确答案 :B
  • Disable the BIOS virus checker and restart the computer.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: During the installation of Windows 2000, the setup program must make changes the boot sector. The BIOS virus checker interprets changes made to the boot sector as the result of a virus and prevents the computer from booting any further. You must therefore disable the BIOS virus checker.

  • [多选题]The network consists of a single domain named Ezonexam.com that includes 20 Windows NT workstation 4.0 client computers. All other client computers are Windows 2000 Professional computers. You install Terminal Services on one of the Windows Server computers and Terminal Services Client on the 20 Windows NT Workstation 4.0 client computers. You create a system policy on the server that is configured as the terminal server. This system policy denies access to Network Neighborhood. You find that the users of the terminal server can still browse the network when they open My Network Places from Windows 2000 Professional computer or when they open Network Neighborhood from Windows NT Workstation 4.0 computers.You want to prevent all users from browsing the network.
  • 正确答案 :BD
  • Create a Windows Group Policy that denies user access to My Network Places.

    Create a Windows NT 4.0 default user policy on the Windows 2000 Server computer that is configured as the PDC emulator.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: The primary domain controller (PDC) is the server that maintains the master copy of the domain's user-accounts database and that validates logon requests. Prior to Windows 2000 every Windows NT network domain was required to have one, and only one, PDC. If you want to deny users of the terminal server browsing ability of the Network Neighborhood, you should create a group policy that denies access to My Network Places. (Microsoft is colloquially stuck with Network Neighborhood for My Network Places.)

  • [单选题]The company is buying 50 identical computers to run Windows 2000 Server in these offices. These servers must be installed to the company's standard configuration. You create a setup information file (SIF) that specifies the company's standard configuration.You want to automate the installation process as much as possible in the least possible amount of time.
  • 正确答案 :D
  • Create a floppy disk that contains only the SIF. Instruct an employee at each office to start the installation by using the Windows 2000 Server CD-ROM, with the floppy disk inserted.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:InthisscenariowemustuseSetupManagertocreateawinnt.sif.Wemustthencopythisfiletoafloppy.ThenstarttheinstallationprocessfromtheCD-ROMandinsertthefloppydisk.Theinstallationprocesswillbeafullyautomatedunattendedinstallation.Incorrectanswers:A:The.SIFfileisusedtoperform.anunattendedinstallation.Makebt32.exeisusedtocreatefourinstallationstartupdisks.B:Thewinnt.execommandisrunfromtheCD-ROMnotfromthediskette.D:TheSIFfilemustresideonadiskettenotontheCD-ROM.

  • [单选题]You are the administrator of a 12 SQL Server 2000 computers. These servers are located in company offices throughout the world.You configure a multiserver job on the server in your company's New York City office. You configure this server as a master server, and designate the remaining 11 servers as target servers.
  • 正确答案 :C
  • On the New York City server, defect all 11 target servers. On the JobMaster server, enlist the 12 servers as target servers.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:Whensettingupanewmasterserver,theoldmasterservermustdefectallitstargetservers.Whenanewlydesignatedmasterserverreplacesanexistingmasterserver,thetargetserversmustbedefectedfromtheexistingmasterserver.Thetargetserverscanthenbeenlistedonthenewmasterserver.Thiscanincludetheexistingtargetserver.Note:InSQLServer2000EnterpriseEdition,multiserveradministrationisusedtoautomatetheadministrationofmultipleinstancesofSQLServer2000.Itcanbeusedtomanagetwoormoreserversandtoscheduleinformationflowsbetweenenterpriseserversfordatawarehousing.Withmultiserveradministration,theremustbeatleastonemasterserverandatleastonetargetserver.Amasterserverdistributesjobstoandreceiveseventsfromtargetservers.Amasterserverstoresthecentralcopyofjobdefinitionsforjobsrunontargetservers.Targetserversconnectperiodicallytotheirmasterservertoupdatetheirlistofjobstoperform.Ifanewjobexists,thetargetserverdownloadsthejobanddisconnectsfromthemasterserver.Afterthetargetservercompletesthejob,itreconnectstothemasterserverandreportsthestatusofthejob.WithSQLServer2000EnterpriseEdition,masterserverscanenlisttargetserversandcandefecttargetservers.IncorrectAnswers:B:ThissolutiondoesnotaddresstheneedtodemotetheNewYorkCityserver.Itisthusstillamasterserver.C:InthissolutiontheJobMasterserverisenlistedasatargetserveroftheNewYorkCityserver.ThissolutionalsodoesnotaddresstheneedtodemotetheNewYorkCityserver.Itisthusstillamasterserver.D:InthissolutiontheNewYorkCityserverisnotatargetserveroftheJobMasterserverasithasbeendefectedfromtheJobMasterserver.

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