正确答案: D

Create a second GPO in the OU. Add the managers group to the access control list. Allow the managers group to read and apply the group policy. Disable the permission of the authenticated user group to read and apply the group policy. Configure the new GPO to allow access to My Network Places. Give the new GPO a higher priority than the original GPO.

题目:You configure a Group Policy Object for the Marketing organizational unit (OU) to prevent users from accessing My Network Places and from running System in Control Panel. You want the Managers domain local group to be able to access My Network Places, but you still want to prevent them from running System in Control Panel.What should you do?




  • [单选题]Your Windows 2000 Professional computer has 10 shared folders that are available to other network users. A user reports that he cannot access a shared folder named Share
  • Use System Tools in Computer Management to display the file paths of your shared folders.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: The System Tools component of the Computer Management console can be used to locate shared folders. The Computer Management console can be accessed through the Administrative Tools applet in the Control Panel. In the Computer Management console, expand System Tools, expand Shared Folders and then open Shares to display all shared folders.

  • [单选题]You are the administrator of Ezonexam.com's network.You want to connect your Windows 2000 Professional computer to a new TCP/IP based laser print device. The print device is Plug and Play compliant and is included on the current Hardware Compatibility List (HCL). When you attempt to create a new TCP/IP printer port you receive the following error message:
  • Modify the properties of the existing printer port to use the new print device.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: The error message states that the new port cannot be added since it already exists. Thus all that is necessary to enable you to make use of the printer is to modify the properties of the existing port.

  • [单选题]You are the administrator of a Windows 2000 Network for Ezonexam Inc. The network includes four Web servers named WWW1, WWW2, WWW3, and WWW4. Your network also includes a Windows 2000 Server computer that uses DNS.Each Web server contains exactly the same content, and users accessing www.Ezonexam.com can be directed to any one of them.
  • Enable round-robin in the properties of the DNS server.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: By enabling round robin the DNS server will start to rotate between the CNAME records when it resolves the host name www. This will result in load balancing between the web servers.

  • [单选题]You are the administrator of Ezonexam.com's Windows 2000 network.Your computer is configured to use both Windows 2000 Professional and Windows NT Workstation 4.0 Service Pack 3. Your computer has three hard disks: Disk 0, Disk1, and Disk2. Windows NT Workstation 4.0 is installed on Disk 0. Windows 2000 Professional is installed on Disk1. You want to store your project files on Disk2. You configure Disk2 as a basic volume and format the volume as NTFS in Windows 2000 Professional. You then start Windows NT Workstation 4.0. You find that you cannot access your project files.
  • Upgrade Windows NT Workstation 4.0 to Service Pack 4 or later.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: Windows 2000 Professional uses the NTFS 5.0 file system while Windows NT Workstation 4.0 uses the NTFS 4.0 file system. Windows NT Workstation requires Service Pack 4 or later to be able to use the NTFS 5.0 file system.

  • [多选题]The network consists of a single domain named Ezonexam.com that includes 20 Windows NT workstation 4.0 client computers. All other client computers are Windows 2000 Professional computers. You install Terminal Services on one of the Windows Server computers and Terminal Services Client on the 20 Windows NT Workstation 4.0 client computers. You create a system policy on the server that is configured as the terminal server. This system policy denies access to Network Neighborhood. You find that the users of the terminal server can still browse the network when they open My Network Places from Windows 2000 Professional computer or when they open Network Neighborhood from Windows NT Workstation 4.0 computers.You want to prevent all users from browsing the network.
  • Create a Windows Group Policy that denies user access to My Network Places.

    Create a Windows NT 4.0 default user policy on the Windows 2000 Server computer that is configured as the PDC emulator.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: The primary domain controller (PDC) is the server that maintains the master copy of the domain's user-accounts database and that validates logon requests. Prior to Windows 2000 every Windows NT network domain was required to have one, and only one, PDC. If you want to deny users of the terminal server browsing ability of the Network Neighborhood, you should create a group policy that denies access to My Network Places. (Microsoft is colloquially stuck with Network Neighborhood for My Network Places.)

  • [单选题]You are the administrator of a network that consists of a single Windows NT 4.0 domain. The network contains five Windows NT Server domain controllers and 1,000 Windows NT Workstation client computers.You want to install Windows 2000 Server on a new computer. You want the new computer to act as domain controller in the existing domain.
  • On the new computer, install Windows NT Server 4.0 and designate the computer as a BDC in the existing domain. Promote the computer to the PDC of the domain. Upgrade the computer to Windows 2000 Server.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:ToinstallaWindows2000computerasadomaincontrollerinaWindowsNT4.0domain,wemustfirstinstallWindowsNT4.0thecomputerasaBDCintheWindowsNT4.0domainandthenpromotetheBDCtoPDC.WemustthenupgradethemachinetoWindows2000Server.WhenupgradingthedomaincontrollersinaWindowsNTdomaintoWindows2000,wemustupgradetheprimarydomaincontrollerfirst.Incorrectanswers:B:ThecomputermustbeinstalledasBDCandthenlaterpromotedtoPDC.C:ThecomputermustfirstbeinstalledasaWindowsNT4.0BDCandthenpromotedtoPDC.D:ThecomputermustfirstbeinstalledasaWindowsNT4.0BDCandthenpromotedtoPDC.

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