• [单选题]You are the administrator of a Windows NT Server 4.0 computer named Ezonexam1. Ezonexam1 is a backup domain controller (BDC), and a member of Ezonexam.com's Windows 2000 Active Directory domain. Ezonexam1 contains five hard disks. Disk 0 and 1 are configured as a Windows NT 4.0 mirror set.The mirror set contains the operating system files and 500 MB of free disk space. Disk 2, 3 and 4 are configured as a Windows NT 4.0 stripe set with parity and contain employee data files. The Windows NT 4.0 stripe set with parity has a maximum capacity of 140 GB and contains 15 GB of free disk space.
  • 正确答案 :F
  • Upgrade Ezonexam1 to Windows 2000 Server. During the upgrade, select the option to make Ezonexam1 a domain controller. After the upgrade is complete, demote Ezonexam1.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation: We upgrade Ezonexam1. We have no choice that the upgraded Windows 2000 Server will be a domain controller. We are then able to use the dcpromo.exe utility to remove the Active Directory and demote the Domain controller to a member server.

  • [单选题]From your Windows 2000 Professional computer, you need to map drive G to the default administrative share on drive C of a server named AppSrv.What can you do to map the drive?
  • 正确答案 :B
  • Run thenet use G: \\AppSrv\C$command.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:Therootofeachvolumeonaharddiskisautomaticallyshared,andthesharenameisthedriveletterappendedwithadollarsign($).Theappendeddollarsigncausesthesharetobehidden.Onemethodofmappingasharetoalogicaldriveistoopenthecommandpromptandtypethecommand:NETUSEdevicename:\\computername\sharename.Inthisscenario,thecommandtranslatestothecommand:netuseG:\\AppSrv\C$IncorrectAnswers:A:Thenetsharecommandisusedtocreatesharesnottoconnecttoexistingsharesonothercomputersinthenetwork.C:ItisnotpossibletobrowsetotheadministrativeshareC$onAppSrvsincethisisahiddenshare.D:ItisnotpossibletobrowsetotheadministrativeshareC$onAppSrvsincethisisahiddenshare.

  • [单选题]The company is buying 50 identical computers to run Windows 2000 Server in these offices. These servers must be installed to the company's standard configuration. You create a setup information file (SIF) that specifies the company's standard configuration.You want to automate the installation process as much as possible in the least possible amount of time.
  • 正确答案 :D
  • Create a floppy disk that contains only the SIF. Instruct an employee at each office to start the installation by using the Windows 2000 Server CD-ROM, with the floppy disk inserted.

  • 解析:解析:Explanation:InthisscenariowemustuseSetupManagertocreateawinnt.sif.Wemustthencopythisfiletoafloppy.ThenstarttheinstallationprocessfromtheCD-ROMandinsertthefloppydisk.Theinstallationprocesswillbeafullyautomatedunattendedinstallation.Incorrectanswers:A:The.SIFfileisusedtoperform.anunattendedinstallation.Makebt32.exeisusedtocreatefourinstallationstartupdisks.B:Thewinnt.execommandisrunfromtheCD-ROMnotfromthediskette.D:TheSIFfilemustresideonadiskettenotontheCD-ROM.

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